Tuesday 21 June 2011

Thing 2 - Investigate some other blogs

So I've been looking at Delicious and there are just so many people which have signed up to cpd23. Unfortunately I don't really have time to look at all the blogs so I generally had a look at the people who've already commented on my blog and then I went with the blog titles I thought were amazing.(I'm easily pleased.)

Growing a Library
Conan the Librarian Strikes Back
Behind the Bookshelves
World's Deadliest Librarian
Librarians on the Loose 
Miss Librarian Person

There were others I read as well but I liked those titles...

What strikes me about reading all of these blogs. Is that everyone is looking to learn the same type of stuff. I was a bit worried that it was only me who hadn't really progressed beyond personal use of the internet. But there are an awful lot of new blogs started specifically for cpd23 in order to learn more about the various ways of developing yourself professionally.

I haven't yet commented on any blog as it feels a bit silly to go "me too! me too!" when they've generally put down the same information as I have. I've followed a few people though. Does that count? And I will comment as well at some point, honest! :-)

On a completely different subject I know it's Wimbledon time but it's the middle of summer (literally - summer solstice and all that) where's the sun? Aberystwyth is being rained out!


'Dwi wedi bod yn edrych ar Delicious, mae e'n galed i gredu fod cymaint o bobl wedi penderfynnu gwneud cpd23. Yn anffodus does dim amser gyda fi i edrych at bob blog yn y rhestr. O ganlyniad fe edrychais ar y bobl sydd wedi gadael sylw ar fy  mlog i ac yna fe wnes i edrych ar y rhai a'r enwau gorau. (Mae pethau bach yn gwneud i fi wenu).

Growing a Library
Conan the Librarian Strikes Back
Behind the Bookshelves
World's Deadliest Librarian
Librarians on the Loose 
Miss Librarian Person

Fe wnes i ddarllen rhai eraill hefyd ond mae rhaid dweud roeddwn i'n hoffi'r teitlau yma...

Beth wnaeth fy nharo am y blogiau yma i gyd oedd y ffaith fod y mwyafrif o'r bobl yn edrych i ddysgu'r un math o bethau. Rydw i wedi bod yn becso mach mae fi oedd yr unig un oedd heb symyd ymhellach na ddefnydd personol o'r we. Ond mae 'na llawer iawn o bobl wedi dechrau blog yn benodol er mwyn dysgu mwy am ddatblygu eu hunain yn broffesiynol.

Mor belled dwi heb adael sylw ar flog unrhyw berson arall gan fy mod yn teimlo mach yn sili yn mynd "fi 'fyd! fi 'fyd!" pan maen nhw wedi dodi lawr yr un gwybodaeth a fi mwy neu lai. 'Dwi wedi dilyn ambell i berson ydy hwnna'n gwneud y tro? Fydda i yn gadael sylw rhywbryd, onest! :-)

Hefyd, dwi'n gwybod mae amser Wimbledon yw hi ond ni'n ganol haf (y Solstice) ble mae'r holl law hyn yn dod o?


GenialChaos said... Best Blogger Tips

Good Friday afternoon from across the pond in the USA! I came across your blog looking through the list of hundreds participating - fascinated by the place where you work. I've journeyed to England & Scotland, made a couple of brief stops in Ireland, but haven't yet had the privilege of visiting Wales. One day!

Like you, my first job after getting my Masters was on a digitization project (U.S. spelling!). For several months, I traveled around the middle part of my state (Tennessee) to libraries, archives and a few museums - digitizing some of their treasures. I loved it! Alas, it was a grant-funded temporary job, so I'm working in a very different position now. I do hope to return to digital projects one day - and I look forward to reading more of your postings!


Llyfrgellydd Cymraeg said... Best Blogger Tips

Hi Genny,

You should definitely visit Wales one day! You're missing out! Not that I'm at all biased... Honest!

That job sounds fantastic travelling around the various libraries. I know what you mean about the grant-funded temporary job. That's exactly what I'm doing. So job hunting (hopefully for something less temporary).

I'm glad you're enjoying my random thoughts! :-)