8:15am Arrived at work
8:20am Computer on
8:25am Checked emails etc and found that I now had the right to Edit the Project page on PBWiki. So this blog has now been added to the project.
8:30am - 8:50am (ish) Not much work got done as a colleague came into the office to tell us about her engagement. To another colleague. The library is apparently a matchmaker extrodinaire if all the couples are anything to go by.
8:50am Thing 8 of cpd23. Not too bad as I already use Google Calendar sometimes.
9:04am Decided I'd have to leave Thing 9 of cpd23 until I'm at home as I need to download it. As a result I can't see it being very useful for work purposes. At least not at the National Library.
9:10am I met with my Line Manager to discuss a project that may be in the pipeline. As a result we need to audit the newspapers between 1914-1918 and find out (potentially) how many pages we have in the library.
9:20am I sent a member of staff off to Stack 3 to begin auditing the libraries newspapers between 1914 and 1918.
9:25am Rearranged a meeting to discuss IPR of journals for next week.
9:30am Started working on the Welsh Gazette.
10:00am Team Brief - Basically telling us about the changes that are happening due to money shortages and how staff members will be expected to turn their hands to many different tasks in the future instead of the one job. This went on for a while.
10:50am Tea time.
11:15am Tried to locate the journal Y Dysgedydd for the Reading Room there's a slip here for the year they want they must have not brought it back to us yet. Have tried phoning up the Reading Room to tell them but couldn't get an answer. I assume they'll phone back once they're less busy.
11:20am Back to the Welsh Gazette
11:30am Further discussion with the line manager about the audit. We have until Thursday to get it done.
11:40am Explained to two more members of staff what needed doing and sent them along to help. Hopefully we can get it done quickly.
11:45am Welsh Gazette
12:44pm Finished checking the CSVs for the Welsh Gazette, now to put it in order it's really not for some reason. :s At least I've deleted the surplus CSVs as I was going along.
12:51pm Whoo. Welsh Gazette in its proper order and ready to be uploaded to WOMBAT ready for scanning. I must remember to return the unneeded volumes to their proper homes out of the way.
12:55pm LUNCH
13:25pm Checking North Wales newspaper The North Wales Times for accuracy.
14:11pm There doesn't seem to be anything interesting in this newspaper so far, or at least nothing particularly eye-catching. How boring...
14:30pm Taking a quick break from The North Wales Times. My team are running out of Audit forms, so I ran (well strolled quickly) down to Repro to get some more. Hopefully 30 more should do the trick. They ARE double sided after all. If not I'll just have to make another trip to Repro.
14:42pm And on with the North Wales Times.
14:55pm It always amazes me how the newspapers went into mourning when someone important died. There are thick black bars between each column instead of the usual lines you see in the picture...
15:27pm Went to fetch a ring binder for my Audit forms. I'm going to begin an Excell document with the results in after tea. Then we'll have some kind of idea of how many newspapers we have in the library (or at least in Stack 3) published between 1914 and 1918.
15:30pm Tea Time
15:50pm Creating and filling in an Excell document.
5:00pm That's it I'm off home. So far there are over 80 weekly titles and 150,000 pages for the years 1914-1918. And the audit isn't even finished yet...
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