Wednesday 13 July 2011

Y Llyfrgell ar film

English at the bottom.

Dim ond nodyn cyflym i ddweud rhywbeth bach answyddogol am ddathliadau canmlwyddiant Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru. Nid canmlwyddiant y llyfrgell fel sefydliad neu hyd yn oed fel adeilad ond canmlwyddiant gosod y Gareg Sylfaen. Careg enfawr yn edrych mae'n rhaid dweud.

'Da beth dros i'r trydiau nesaf (yn cynnwys heddiw) mae'r llyfrgell yn dathlu gyda digwyddiadau yn y Drwm. Heddiw roedd yna rhai hen ffilmiau yn dangos y llyfrgell yn cael ei chwarae yn y Drwm. Fe es i ac eraill o staff y llyfrgell, ynghyd a'r cyhoedd i weld beth oedd "Y Llyfrgell ar ffilm" amdano. Gweld "patchwork" o hen ffilmiau gwnaethon ni, "patchwork" a oedd yn dangos hanes y llyfrgell, yr adeilad, y trysorau a'r staff.

Wrth wylio'r film fe wnes i sylwi ar faint mae pethau wedi mewid, does dim angen y "Card Catalogue" rhagor, 'na beth ma'r cyfrifiadur yn ei wneud. Does dim hyd yn oed rhaid i'r darllenwyr i ddod i'r llyfrgell mae 'na llawer o wybodaeth ar gael ar y wefan. Llawer o lawysgrifau a llyfrau pwysig ein hanes fel gwlad wedi ei ddigido ac ar gael i bawb yn y byd heb iddyn nhw orfod gadael ei cadair eistedd. A mae 'na mwy o wybodaeth yn mynd ar y wefan drwy'r amser, fydd yna 2 filiwn o dudalennau ychwanegol ar gael pan fydd y prosiect dwi'n gweithio ar wedi gorffen.

Ond mae hyn yn gadael y pwynt, beth o'n i'n meddwl dweud oedd er fod hyn i gyd wedi newid, er fod technoleg wedi neidio ymlaen dros i'r ganrif ddwethaf mae yna o hyd pethau sydd ddim yn newid. Mae'r llyfrgell o hyd yn gwarchod ac yn rhannu trysorau ein gwlad, hanes ein gwlad. Ac er fod llawer o bethau wedi newid dros i'r ganrif ddwethaf mae prif elfennau gwaith y llyfrgell wedi sefyll yr un peth. Rydym ni yma i warchod Hanes ein gwlad.


Only a quick note to say something quickly and unofficially about the National Library of Wales's centenary celebrations. Not the centenary of the library as an institution or even as a building but of the laying of the foundation stone, which was prett massive I must say.

However over the course of the next three days (counting today) the library will be holding a series of events in the Drwm. Today there were a series of films from over the last century. Myself and some of my colleagues from the library, along with members of the public went along to see what the "Library on Film" was all about. What it was, was a "patchwork" of films all stitched together showing the history of the library, the building, the treasures and the staff.

While watching the film I was msing over how things have changed over the century. For example there's no need to use a card catalogue anymore, that's what computers are for. And then there is so much information on the web page that in many cases people don't have to come to the library building itself anymore. There is so much available on the website, the treasures of our country, manuscripts and books alike available all over the world, and people don't even have to leave their armchairs. All the time extra resources are being uploaded to the internet. The project I'm currently working on will contain an extra 2 million pages.

However this is besides the point. What I meant to say was that despite the fact that everything has changed so drastically, despite the giant leaps technology has taken over the last century many things remain the same. The library still protects and give access to our heritage, our treasures. despite everything the main aim of the library has stayed the same. We are here to protect out countries heritage.