Saturday 23 July 2011

Thing 6 - Online Networks

1. LinkedIn
I joined LinkedIn a while ago, more out of curiosity than anything else. I haven't used it that much and find it difficult to use. So far I have seven connections and these are all people who already know who I am, so not sure how useful that is. Feel free to add me as a connection. I'm sure having more than seven would be handy.

I've added myself to various groups where I lurk in the background and keep an eye on things. It's quite interesting to see the various conversations going on but in general I'm a lurker. Of the seven groups that I've joined (is there something about LinkedIn and the number seven?) two of them are universities (Swansea and Loughborough) where I was a student, and the rest are library related. CILIP, IFLA, SLA (though I only joined that after reading Thing 6), Sue Hill Recruitment and of course the cpd23 group. I like the fact that LinkedIn send me emails every now and again informing me of the conversations going on with the various groups. This allows me to only log in when something catches my eye. As I said I'm a lurker, although as this blog and my attempts on Twitter prove at least I'm trying to become more active. But there's a long way to go  yet I think. I also need to add information to my LinkedIn page. I have however recently added a picture so at least people have some idea what I look like.

Facebook I know well and have used for years, however this is where my real life friends convene and I have no intention of changing that. While I do tend to look at library related things and like them on Facebook, and may I say I think the National Library of Wales should be on that list of possible pages to like (I'm not biased, honest!) it's a purely personal social networking opportunity for me. 

I'm fairly new to LISNPN and while I have introduced myself on there and put up a picture I have once again been lurking in the background. I have a feeling this could be one of the more important Social Networking opportunities for librarians given the chance and while I have yet to take part in a conversation I have logged in several times and looked at the forums, and think some of the conversations going on are incredibly interesting and quite informative. Again add me as a friend as I have none. :(

I'm brand new to CILIP Communities I only joined today and I've briefly set up a Profile page and had a quick look around. I have yet to figure out how to navigate around properly and what parts will be most helpful but I'm sure given time I will get to grips with it and become a successful lurker, if not a successful participant in the forums etc.

I haven't bothered looking at the LANNetwork as my current role involves no teaching, although I'll keep it in mind for future roles just in case. As for Google+ and whether there's any room for it in the already stuffed Social Networking world well only time can tell. I haven't had an invite and therefore haven't joined as it isn't yet open to the public. From what I've read about it, it could well be not a Personal social networking site such as Facebook (at least in my view) nor a Professional one like CILIP Communities or LISNPN but could in fact be a 'profersonal' social networking site. I think given the chance I'll probably join out of sheer curiosity more than anything else and then I'll let you know what I think.