Saturday, 8 October 2011
Thing 16 Advocacy, speaking up for the profession and getting published
I'm not really sure what to talk about in this one as I haven't really had much to do with advocacy in any way shape or form. Unless you count the Presentation I made to the Chapters people (but as they're already committed supporters of the library I don't see how it really counts). I do become a member on Facebook or a follower on Twitter of any advocacy campaigns going on but haven't really taken part myself. I've got plenty to do wihout taking part really, what with work, job hunting (the project comes to an end in March 2012) and trying to sort out my Chartership as well as my other commitments to family and friends. However if anyone wants me to do anything just get in touch I'm happy to help if somoene tells me how. Also any translation work you want done in the name of advocacy I'm your girl! Into Welsh obviously, just in case anyone had any outlandish ideas about me trying to translate into any other language. :-)
Thing 15: Attending, presenting at and organising seminars, conferences and other events
OK... as I need to channel off the excess energy from Wales beating the Irish someplace I thought I'd try catching up with my blog, at least a little bit!
I've attended a couple of things since starting at the National Library of Wales. I've probably attended more training days than anything else, though most of these have been internal, I did attend one external CILIP training day last November 'Moving into Management' but in general all my training has been internal. This has given me the chance to get to know people from other departments who I probably wouldn't have much, if anything to do with during my day to day work. It's also given the library the chance to ensure that I have the skills that they want when it comes to things like managing staff.
I have also attended a couple of NEWSPLAN Wales conferences, that is the ones that have been held in the National Library as my line manager thinks this is important to me. These events have been really interesting to see how things are being handled all over Wales. While I didn't really get the chance to socialise with people as much as I would've liked due mostly to shyness, I was lucky enough to get to talk to Ed King who had come to Aber for the event! And was very kind in beginning a conversation with the lonely shy person in the corner! :)
Earlier this year I was lucky enough to attend the Gregynog Colloquium which I've spoken about in an earlier blog. And I've also been to a cpd23 meet up in Cardiff which was great fun! These two events are probably the best I've attended for giving me contacts. Though it probably helps that some of the people were the same.
Again this isn't something I've done much of. I had the opportunity to talk about the importance of digitising newspapers to NEWSPLAN Wales early last year, and did a presentation about the content of the volumes the library are digitising to the Chapters members of the National Library. I particularly enjoyed this one as the contents of the newspapers really fascinate me and it was interesting to see what other people were interested in. There was one lady who speaking about her Grandmother had experienced an earthquake back in the early 1900s which I'd happened to talk about, apparently the family had always though she must be mistaken!
I was also lucky enough to speak at the Gregynog Conference. Again see the Gregynog Conference blog or for the presentation itself see Thing 10.
My main problems with these was the actual Presenting as I'm rather shy and the idea of standing up in front of a bunch of strangers (even friendly librarian strangers) terrifies me more than you could ever believe. However I've a feeling that the more I do the better I'll come at doing it. I also like to make sure my hints to myself are actually a part of the slide. That way I just can't forget something or mix up any cards I'm holding or something dreadful like that. Maybe with time I'll become a confident public speaker but I have the oddest feeling that that is just not going to happen somehow.
I've never organised an event. And so I'm not going to comment on this. If the day ever comes when it happens I'll probably blog about it.
I've attended a couple of things since starting at the National Library of Wales. I've probably attended more training days than anything else, though most of these have been internal, I did attend one external CILIP training day last November 'Moving into Management' but in general all my training has been internal. This has given me the chance to get to know people from other departments who I probably wouldn't have much, if anything to do with during my day to day work. It's also given the library the chance to ensure that I have the skills that they want when it comes to things like managing staff.
I have also attended a couple of NEWSPLAN Wales conferences, that is the ones that have been held in the National Library as my line manager thinks this is important to me. These events have been really interesting to see how things are being handled all over Wales. While I didn't really get the chance to socialise with people as much as I would've liked due mostly to shyness, I was lucky enough to get to talk to Ed King who had come to Aber for the event! And was very kind in beginning a conversation with the lonely shy person in the corner! :)
Earlier this year I was lucky enough to attend the Gregynog Colloquium which I've spoken about in an earlier blog. And I've also been to a cpd23 meet up in Cardiff which was great fun! These two events are probably the best I've attended for giving me contacts. Though it probably helps that some of the people were the same.
Again this isn't something I've done much of. I had the opportunity to talk about the importance of digitising newspapers to NEWSPLAN Wales early last year, and did a presentation about the content of the volumes the library are digitising to the Chapters members of the National Library. I particularly enjoyed this one as the contents of the newspapers really fascinate me and it was interesting to see what other people were interested in. There was one lady who speaking about her Grandmother had experienced an earthquake back in the early 1900s which I'd happened to talk about, apparently the family had always though she must be mistaken!
I was also lucky enough to speak at the Gregynog Conference. Again see the Gregynog Conference blog or for the presentation itself see Thing 10.
My main problems with these was the actual Presenting as I'm rather shy and the idea of standing up in front of a bunch of strangers (even friendly librarian strangers) terrifies me more than you could ever believe. However I've a feeling that the more I do the better I'll come at doing it. I also like to make sure my hints to myself are actually a part of the slide. That way I just can't forget something or mix up any cards I'm holding or something dreadful like that. Maybe with time I'll become a confident public speaker but I have the oddest feeling that that is just not going to happen somehow.
I've never organised an event. And so I'm not going to comment on this. If the day ever comes when it happens I'll probably blog about it.
Gregynog Colloquium,
National Library of Wales,
Monday, 19 September 2011
While this is predominantly a professional blog, I felt that I couldn't let the happenings of last Thursday and Friday pass without at least commenting about them to a certain extent.
I'm valleys born and bred, I've lived my whole life (until recently) in the next valley to the Gleision Colliery, my secondary school was only a couple of miles up the road in Ystalyfera. And yet I never knew that the colliery existed until the last few days. I remember sitting in history lessons learning about life underground, more than a decade ago now. I remember visiting Big Pit a mining museum, and being appalled at the fact that people would work every day in such conditions, facing any number of dangers. I then remember sitting in lectures at Swansea where my Special Subject was The South Wales Coalfield and hearing about the mining disasters which have gone before, Senghennydd for example. Even recently in my work at the National Library I came across a disaster in Cilfynydd which I'd never heard about before. But all of this to me was history. While I knew that coal mining was still going on to a certain degree in South Wales I never really thought about it, after all there are decades since anything of this nature happened in Wales, and certainly not in my memory.
I'm lucky, not since my Grandparents generation has anyone in my family gone into the mines. I never knew the four men who lost their lives so tragically last week, and yet I spent the majority of Friday watching the news. I think I managed to complete less work on Friday than on any day since I've started at the National Library. I finished work at four o'clock and started my way home. Driving home I was switching between Radio Cymru and my music. Radio Cymru had a lot of coverage of what was happening. As I was getting back to the valleys, having crossed the Black Mountain the last announcement came through, confirming the death of the fourth man. It was pouring with rain and then I could see a rainbow.
It seems to have affected the whole area in a surprising way, considering that the majority of people had no idea who these men were. It isn't history any more but something that's still happening.
I'm valleys born and bred, I've lived my whole life (until recently) in the next valley to the Gleision Colliery, my secondary school was only a couple of miles up the road in Ystalyfera. And yet I never knew that the colliery existed until the last few days. I remember sitting in history lessons learning about life underground, more than a decade ago now. I remember visiting Big Pit a mining museum, and being appalled at the fact that people would work every day in such conditions, facing any number of dangers. I then remember sitting in lectures at Swansea where my Special Subject was The South Wales Coalfield and hearing about the mining disasters which have gone before, Senghennydd for example. Even recently in my work at the National Library I came across a disaster in Cilfynydd which I'd never heard about before. But all of this to me was history. While I knew that coal mining was still going on to a certain degree in South Wales I never really thought about it, after all there are decades since anything of this nature happened in Wales, and certainly not in my memory.
I'm lucky, not since my Grandparents generation has anyone in my family gone into the mines. I never knew the four men who lost their lives so tragically last week, and yet I spent the majority of Friday watching the news. I think I managed to complete less work on Friday than on any day since I've started at the National Library. I finished work at four o'clock and started my way home. Driving home I was switching between Radio Cymru and my music. Radio Cymru had a lot of coverage of what was happening. As I was getting back to the valleys, having crossed the Black Mountain the last announcement came through, confirming the death of the fourth man. It was pouring with rain and then I could see a rainbow.
It seems to have affected the whole area in a surprising way, considering that the majority of people had no idea who these men were. It isn't history any more but something that's still happening.
"There's a cry in the valleys, tears in the West,
Mourning the heroes that wear the pit vest
Underground grafters always put in a shift
Below the hillside in the deep dark drift
They're not coming home to their children, their wives
The mine once again takes cherished lives
The coalfields of Britain all unite in your mourn
We're all the same breed, we're pit village born
May the heroes sleep peacefully, may the community stay strong.
This message written on a card in remembrance for the men has been passed all over the place, via facebok, via text and through many other formats. I'm sure I've seen or possibly heard these words before somehwere. Though where I can't remember. All I can say is hopefully this united grief will not be needed again.
Er mae blog proffesiynol yw hwn am y rhan fwyaf, teimlaf bod rhaid dweud rhywbeth am ddigwyddiadau Dydd Iau a Dydd Gwener dwethaf.
Ces i fy ngeni a fy ngodi yn y cymoedd, dwi wedi byw fy mywyd cyfan (nes yn ddiweddar) yn y cwm nesaf i ble mae Glofa Gleision wedi ei sefydlu, es i i'r ysgol rhai milltiroedd lan yr heol yn Ystalyfera. Ond nes i diwrnodau dwethaf, doedd dim syniad gyda fi bod glofa hyd yn oed yna, heb son am y ffaith ei fod o hyd yn gweithio. Rwy'n cofio gwersi hanes yn yr ysgol yn son am y peryglon o weithio dan ddaear, dwi'n cofio ymweld a'r Pwll Mawr Amgueddfa glofaol a teimlo'n rhyfedd fod pobl wedi gweithio mewn shwd le, yn gwynebu peryglon rhyfedd. Cofiaf eistedd mewn darlithoedd yn y Brifysgol (y "South WalesCoalfield" oedd fy mhwnc arbennig i) a clywed am y trychinebau glofaol sydd wedi bod o'r blaen, e.e. Senghennydd. Ac yn fwy diweddar wrth edrych ar hen Bapurau Newydd yn y Llyfrgell Genedlaethol fe ddes i ar draws Trychineb Cilfynydd, un roe'n i heb glywed unrhywbeth am o'r blaen. Ond i fi roedd hyn i gyd yn hanes. Efallai nid hen hanes ond hanes. Er rydw u'n gwybod fod 'na lofeydd o hyd yn mynd fan hyn a fan draw nid oeddwn yn meddwl amdanyn nhw, wedi'r cyfan mae 'na ddegawdau ers i unrhywbeth o'r natur yma ddigwydd yng Nghymru, ddim yn fy ngof i da beth.
Rwy'n lwcus, ddim ers cenhadlaeth mamgu mae unrhyw un o'n teulu ni wedi bod o dan ddaear. Roeddwn i byth yn nabod y pedwar dyn a collodd eu bywydau mewn ffordd mor erchyll yr wythnos dwethaf, ond eto fe wnes i gymryd y rhan fwyaf o Ddydd Gwener yn gwylio'r newyddion. Dwi ddim yn meddwl ers i fi ddechrau gweithio yn y Llyfrgell i fi wneud cyn-lleied o waith. Fe wnes i adael gawaith am bedwar o'r gloch a dechrau'r ffordd gatref yn gwrando ar Radio cymru a oedd yn dilyn y digwyddiadau yn Cilbebyll yn gaos. Am 6 o'r gloch wrth i ddod i lawr o'r Mynydd Du ac i mewn i ardal glofaol De Cymru roedd hi'n arllwys y glaw a fe ddaeth y cyhoeddiad olaf un, yn cadarnhau marwolaeth y glowr olaf. Y peth neasf roedd 'na enfys yn ganol y glaw.
Mae hyn wedi effeithio pawb yn yr ardal, mewn ffordd angrhedadwy gan cymryd i ystyriaeth fod y mwyafrif fel y fi ddim yn nabod y pedwar dyn hyn. Nid hanes yw trychinebau y glofeydd mwyach ond rhywbeth sydd yn digwydd o hyd.
"There's a cry in the valleys, tears in the West,
Mourning the heroes that wear the pit vest
Underground grafters always put in a shift
Below the hillside in the deep dark drift
They're not coming home to their children, their wives
The mine once again takes cherished lives
The coalfields of Britain all unite in your mourn
We're all the same breed, we're pit village born
May the heroes sleep peacefully, may the community stay strong.
Roedd y neges yma ar garden fel teyrnged i'r dynion a wnaeth farw. Mae'r neges wedi ei ddanfon ymlaen dros i'r lle i gyd. Ar draws y byd mewn ffurf electronig ar y we a dros y ffonau symudol. Dwi wedi gweld y pennill yma neu rhywbeth tebyg o'r blaen dwi'n siwr on ble ni alla i gofio. Yr unig beth galla i wneud yw gobeithio fydd y trychineb yma yn mynd i mewn i hanesion y Glofeydd fel y trychineb olaf.
Saturday, 10 September 2011
Thing 14: Zotero / Mendeley / citeulike
OK so I've got quite a bit of catching up to do really consideing we're already on Thing 18 and I'm only just doing Thing 14. So... Here goes...
While I haven't downloaded Zotero yet and haven't decided whether or not I will, from looking at the video included in Thing 14 I can see it's uses. As with many of the various Things so far it won't really help me in my day to day job but is something that may come in handy over the next year or so as I progress with my Chartership (on a side note I have FINALLY managed to get a Welsh apeaking mentor, oddly enough though he's from outside Wales it's a bit of a worry that people don't use the language in their day to day work - but that's an argument for another day.) I can see how keeping a bibliography with links and PDFs in Zotero is a good way to go about things. Though looking back to my student days links and bibliographies kept in a word document seemed to do the trick equally well... And yes I know that it does have an awful lot more to it than just as a Reference saving tool but I doubt I'd use it for much more than that. At least for now. When I start my reading I may change my mind. I'll definitely try it and see if it makes a difference.
Again I haven't downloaded this yet. If I do decide to download either of these two it'll probably be Zotero as I use Firefox anyhow, and Zotero seems to have more features. But yet again I can't see it being of much use to me in my current post. But then again if I can make use of these things during Chartership should I get work somewhere else in the future I'll have the knowledge and the ability to use them, and to show others how to use them as well.
CiteULike is a definite no no for me. I really can't see how it would help me in the least. From the three things in Thhing 14 Zotero is my favourite followed closely by Mendeley and I think when I have a chance I'll play with both. While they're not very useful for me at the moment they may become so given time! And therefore it's worth giving them a chance.
While I haven't downloaded Zotero yet and haven't decided whether or not I will, from looking at the video included in Thing 14 I can see it's uses. As with many of the various Things so far it won't really help me in my day to day job but is something that may come in handy over the next year or so as I progress with my Chartership (on a side note I have FINALLY managed to get a Welsh apeaking mentor, oddly enough though he's from outside Wales it's a bit of a worry that people don't use the language in their day to day work - but that's an argument for another day.) I can see how keeping a bibliography with links and PDFs in Zotero is a good way to go about things. Though looking back to my student days links and bibliographies kept in a word document seemed to do the trick equally well... And yes I know that it does have an awful lot more to it than just as a Reference saving tool but I doubt I'd use it for much more than that. At least for now. When I start my reading I may change my mind. I'll definitely try it and see if it makes a difference.
Again I haven't downloaded this yet. If I do decide to download either of these two it'll probably be Zotero as I use Firefox anyhow, and Zotero seems to have more features. But yet again I can't see it being of much use to me in my current post. But then again if I can make use of these things during Chartership should I get work somewhere else in the future I'll have the knowledge and the ability to use them, and to show others how to use them as well.
CiteULike is a definite no no for me. I really can't see how it would help me in the least. From the three things in Thhing 14 Zotero is my favourite followed closely by Mendeley and I think when I have a chance I'll play with both. While they're not very useful for me at the moment they may become so given time! And therefore it's worth giving them a chance.
Friday, 19 August 2011
Thing 13: Google Docs, Wikis and Dropbox
Google Docs
Well in theory Google Docs is quite handy but if I used it I would probably only use it to share documents with people outside of work. Inside work the Intranet allows you to create a document and allows other people access to said document in order to edit it. As a result using Google Docs for that would really be a waste of time. And while it's all well and good being able to create documents using Google Docs I have Microsoft Office on both my Work PC and my personal laptop and I'd much rather stick to those if at all possible. And while it's not always possible to stick to my own computer I can stick to the product I'm used to using via Windows Sky Drive all you need is a Windows Live ID. a.k.a. a hotmail account to access it. I've tried both Google Docs and Sky Drive at various times or to be more accurate as an extra place to save things and would much rather the Windows product. But that's just me other people may have different views on this?
OK once again this is something which needs installing which I can't do on my work PC. However I have uploaded it to my iPhone, and I'm exploring the website. After playing for a bit I started a CPD23 folder and put in a copy of Thing 1. OK so it works. And I like the fact that I can access it from my phone which is quite nice if you just want to read something quickly. In general however I'd rather stick to Sky Drive or Google Docs where you can also edit the work online. You don't have to have any kind of word processor etc on your computer.
I have used a Wiki a couple of times for collaborative work. In work the only thing I've used a Wiki for is to respond problems within the project so they can be dealt with quickly. Otherwise I took part in the Libraries Day in the Life project and I'm sure we did something when we were in Loughborough but don't quote me on that.
Having looked at the three things within Thing 13 I can genuinely see how each and every one of them could be useful. At the same time in my current post there's not much that they can be used for really without making something up. However that doesn't mean that at some point in the future they won't come in handy. And now that I have an awareness of them and what it's possible to do with them I'll know where to look should the need arise.
Well in theory Google Docs is quite handy but if I used it I would probably only use it to share documents with people outside of work. Inside work the Intranet allows you to create a document and allows other people access to said document in order to edit it. As a result using Google Docs for that would really be a waste of time. And while it's all well and good being able to create documents using Google Docs I have Microsoft Office on both my Work PC and my personal laptop and I'd much rather stick to those if at all possible. And while it's not always possible to stick to my own computer I can stick to the product I'm used to using via Windows Sky Drive all you need is a Windows Live ID. a.k.a. a hotmail account to access it. I've tried both Google Docs and Sky Drive at various times or to be more accurate as an extra place to save things and would much rather the Windows product. But that's just me other people may have different views on this?
OK once again this is something which needs installing which I can't do on my work PC. However I have uploaded it to my iPhone, and I'm exploring the website. After playing for a bit I started a CPD23 folder and put in a copy of Thing 1. OK so it works. And I like the fact that I can access it from my phone which is quite nice if you just want to read something quickly. In general however I'd rather stick to Sky Drive or Google Docs where you can also edit the work online. You don't have to have any kind of word processor etc on your computer.
I have used a Wiki a couple of times for collaborative work. In work the only thing I've used a Wiki for is to respond problems within the project so they can be dealt with quickly. Otherwise I took part in the Libraries Day in the Life project and I'm sure we did something when we were in Loughborough but don't quote me on that.
Having looked at the three things within Thing 13 I can genuinely see how each and every one of them could be useful. At the same time in my current post there's not much that they can be used for really without making something up. However that doesn't mean that at some point in the future they won't come in handy. And now that I have an awareness of them and what it's possible to do with them I'll know where to look should the need arise.
cpd23. thing13,
Google Docs,
Sky Drive,
Tuesday, 16 August 2011
Thing 12: Putting the Social into Social Media
Social Media is my friend. Honestly, it is! How else would I have made so many contacts in the library world so quickly? I've got into contact with a whole host of people during cpd23 that I don't think I'd have had the opportunity to meet otherwise. I've said it before and I'll say it again, the National Library of Wales is a very unique place to work and as such doesn't really give me the chance to associate with people outside the National Library. Which is all well and good if you have a job for life, (I suppose, though I'm rather curious about how other places work and would probably still like to know about other libraries) I'm on a fixed term contract and as the National Library is neither an Academic Library or a Public Library keeping up to date with what's going on in either of these sphere's is rather difficult.
Therefore cpd23, twitter and so on have all been incredibly helpful for me. I even got the chance to meet some people for real because of cpd23! And if it wasn't for the fact that I'd made contact with people through Twitter because of the Gregynog Colloquium I'd never have known about cpd23. Which would have been a terrible pity as I've learnt a lot of interesting stuff and I'm also getting into the habit of keeping my blog (which I'd never had before) updated. I'm hoping I can keep this up after cpd23 comes to an end, although I doubt it'll be updated quite as often as it is now. The same goes for my Twitter account. I think that Social Networking does help to foster a certain sense of community in the library world. Maybe it's not the same as "real life" but it certainly gives you the opportunity to get to know a lot of different people and get a lot of different perspectives on stuff.
Of course there are some disadvantages, such as people knowing an awful lot about you. But then again that's not necessairily a bad thing at this point in time. It might even help me get a job in the future. Maybe, possibly, hopefully... I'm sure there's a lot of other stuff that could be said about Thing 12 but I can't think about them at this precise second therefore *presses "PUBLISH POST".*
Therefore cpd23, twitter and so on have all been incredibly helpful for me. I even got the chance to meet some people for real because of cpd23! And if it wasn't for the fact that I'd made contact with people through Twitter because of the Gregynog Colloquium I'd never have known about cpd23. Which would have been a terrible pity as I've learnt a lot of interesting stuff and I'm also getting into the habit of keeping my blog (which I'd never had before) updated. I'm hoping I can keep this up after cpd23 comes to an end, although I doubt it'll be updated quite as often as it is now. The same goes for my Twitter account. I think that Social Networking does help to foster a certain sense of community in the library world. Maybe it's not the same as "real life" but it certainly gives you the opportunity to get to know a lot of different people and get a lot of different perspectives on stuff.
Of course there are some disadvantages, such as people knowing an awful lot about you. But then again that's not necessairily a bad thing at this point in time. It might even help me get a job in the future. Maybe, possibly, hopefully... I'm sure there's a lot of other stuff that could be said about Thing 12 but I can't think about them at this precise second therefore *presses "PUBLISH POST".*
Monday, 15 August 2011
Thing 11: Mentoring
Currently I don't have a mentor. At least not officially. There are one or two people at work who I suppose could be described as mentors in an unofficial capacity (not sure what they'd think of this fact but still). My line manager who has supported me and given me advice during the last two years is perhaps the most prominent of these. He's encouraged me to pursue any training that can help me in my career, whether or not it's of direct use to my day to day job and has been a sounding board when I want an opinion on something.
Officially I'd like to find a Welsh speaking mentor outside the National Library in order to pursue my Chartership whether or not I'll manage this is another thing. There don't seem to be many Welsh speaking mentord in the world. Can't understand it myself!
Officially I'd like to find a Welsh speaking mentor outside the National Library in order to pursue my Chartership whether or not I'll manage this is another thing. There don't seem to be many Welsh speaking mentord in the world. Can't understand it myself!
Friday, 12 August 2011
Thing 10 - Graduate traineeships. Masters Degrees, Chartership and Accreditation
Hmm... So this Thing explores how I got to where I am (I'm currently working on a Digitisation Project at the National Library of Wales) and what made me decide on the librarianship route. As this is what I talked about during the New Professionals slot at the Gregynog Colloquium this year I decided the best thing to do was to put the presentation here as it explains the various options I took.
These options included my "unofficial" Graduate Trainee year which I put together myself, and included working in a Public Library (for free until they offered me a job) and a couple of months at Swansea University Library (again for free). And what my options are for the future. Which includes Chartership, which I'll do as soon as I find a mentor (finding a Welsh speaking Mentor is more difficult than I imagined considering that I live and work in Wales). I don't suppose anybody wants to mentor me do they? Please?
These options included my "unofficial" Graduate Trainee year which I put together myself, and included working in a Public Library (for free until they offered me a job) and a couple of months at Swansea University Library (again for free). And what my options are for the future. Which includes Chartership, which I'll do as soon as I find a mentor (finding a Welsh speaking Mentor is more difficult than I imagined considering that I live and work in Wales). I don't suppose anybody wants to mentor me do they? Please?
Wednesday, 3 August 2011
Thing 9: Evernote
Hmm, right well I'm in the middle of downloading Evernote to my laptop and trying to figure out what I'll use it for. So far I haven't a clue. Mind you thinking about it with all the websites cpd23 has mentioned among ones I've picked up in other places it might be a bit better than just bookmarking them and then forgetting about them... I am as with Pushnote not convinced about the usefulness of this but I'm willing to give it a go (I even downloaded it to my iPhone just to prove that I'm willing to try.) I wonder if it's something to do with things ending with the word note? :-P
If I can get into using it I'll write some more at a later date! :-)
If I can get into using it I'll write some more at a later date! :-)
Wednesday, 27 July 2011
Library Day in the Life Round 7 Day 3
Wednesday July 27th 2011
8:32am Arrived in work.
8:37am Turned on the computer, checked my emails etc.
8:45am Split up my Day in the Life blog into days as it was getting a bit long. I didn't realise I did so much in a day!
9:00am Carried on with the Excel document listing the Newspapers published in the Great War.
9:20am Finished Excel document for now. So far over 290,000 pages of Newspapers were published in Wales between 1914 and 1918.
9:24am A few more audit papers brought back. I might as well put these into the Excel document first before doing anything else.
9:30am Right now to finish with the North Wales Times.
10:30am Tea Time
10:50am North Wales Times.
11:40am Finished the North Wales Times. I've received the last of my audit forms so going to finish the Excel form and see where we stand numbers wise.
12:18pm I've just finished putting together a short report about the number of Newspaper pages we own from the war years. And it's very close to 400,000 not bad for 4 years during war time I shouldn't think.
12:20pm LUNCH
13:00pm Uploading some newspaper CSVs to WOMBAT ready to be scanned. WOMBAT being the libraries Workflow Software where the CSVs my team have created are followable by the scanners making the scanning easier for them.
15:30pm Tea time
15:50pm Back to WOMBAT
16:18pm Finished with WOMBAT for today.
16:20pm Give my staff some instructions for the next few days as I'm going to be away. (5 day weekend! Go me! :D)
16:25pm Home time! :D
8:32am Arrived in work.
8:37am Turned on the computer, checked my emails etc.
8:45am Split up my Day in the Life blog into days as it was getting a bit long. I didn't realise I did so much in a day!
9:00am Carried on with the Excel document listing the Newspapers published in the Great War.
9:20am Finished Excel document for now. So far over 290,000 pages of Newspapers were published in Wales between 1914 and 1918.
9:24am A few more audit papers brought back. I might as well put these into the Excel document first before doing anything else.
9:30am Right now to finish with the North Wales Times.
10:30am Tea Time
10:50am North Wales Times.
11:40am Finished the North Wales Times. I've received the last of my audit forms so going to finish the Excel form and see where we stand numbers wise.
12:18pm I've just finished putting together a short report about the number of Newspaper pages we own from the war years. And it's very close to 400,000 not bad for 4 years during war time I shouldn't think.
12:20pm LUNCH
13:00pm Uploading some newspaper CSVs to WOMBAT ready to be scanned. WOMBAT being the libraries Workflow Software where the CSVs my team have created are followable by the scanners making the scanning easier for them.
15:30pm Tea time
15:50pm Back to WOMBAT
16:18pm Finished with WOMBAT for today.
16:20pm Give my staff some instructions for the next few days as I'm going to be away. (5 day weekend! Go me! :D)
16:25pm Home time! :D
Library Day in the Life: Round 7 Day 2
Tuesday 26th July 2011
8:15am Arrived at work
8:20am Computer on
8:25am Checked emails etc and found that I now had the right to Edit the Project page on PBWiki. So this blog has now been added to the project.
8:30am - 8:50am (ish) Not much work got done as a colleague came into the office to tell us about her engagement. To another colleague. The library is apparently a matchmaker extrodinaire if all the couples are anything to go by.
8:50am Thing 8 of cpd23. Not too bad as I already use Google Calendar sometimes.
9:04am Decided I'd have to leave Thing 9 of cpd23 until I'm at home as I need to download it. As a result I can't see it being very useful for work purposes. At least not at the National Library.
9:10am I met with my Line Manager to discuss a project that may be in the pipeline. As a result we need to audit the newspapers between 1914-1918 and find out (potentially) how many pages we have in the library.
9:20am I sent a member of staff off to Stack 3 to begin auditing the libraries newspapers between 1914 and 1918.
9:25am Rearranged a meeting to discuss IPR of journals for next week.
9:30am Started working on the Welsh Gazette.
10:00am Team Brief - Basically telling us about the changes that are happening due to money shortages and how staff members will be expected to turn their hands to many different tasks in the future instead of the one job. This went on for a while.
10:50am Tea time.
11:15am Tried to locate the journal Y Dysgedydd for the Reading Room there's a slip here for the year they want they must have not brought it back to us yet. Have tried phoning up the Reading Room to tell them but couldn't get an answer. I assume they'll phone back once they're less busy.
11:20am Back to the Welsh Gazette
11:30am Further discussion with the line manager about the audit. We have until Thursday to get it done.
11:40am Explained to two more members of staff what needed doing and sent them along to help. Hopefully we can get it done quickly.
11:45am Welsh Gazette
12:44pm Finished checking the CSVs for the Welsh Gazette, now to put it in order it's really not for some reason. :s At least I've deleted the surplus CSVs as I was going along.
12:51pm Whoo. Welsh Gazette in its proper order and ready to be uploaded to WOMBAT ready for scanning. I must remember to return the unneeded volumes to their proper homes out of the way.
12:55pm LUNCH
13:19pm Back in the office.
13:25pm Checking North Wales newspaper The North Wales Times for accuracy.
14:11pm There doesn't seem to be anything interesting in this newspaper so far, or at least nothing particularly eye-catching. How boring...
14:30pm Taking a quick break from The North Wales Times. My team are running out of Audit forms, so I ran (well strolled quickly) down to Repro to get some more. Hopefully 30 more should do the trick. They ARE double sided after all. If not I'll just have to make another trip to Repro.
14:42pm And on with the North Wales Times.
14:55pm It always amazes me how the newspapers went into mourning when someone important died. There are thick black bars between each column instead of the usual lines you see in the picture...
15:27pm Went to fetch a ring binder for my Audit forms. I'm going to begin an Excell document with the results in after tea. Then we'll have some kind of idea of how many newspapers we have in the library (or at least in Stack 3) published between 1914 and 1918.
15:30pm Tea Time
15:50pm Creating and filling in an Excell document.
5:00pm That's it I'm off home. So far there are over 80 weekly titles and 150,000 pages for the years 1914-1918. And the audit isn't even finished yet...
8:15am Arrived at work
8:20am Computer on
8:25am Checked emails etc and found that I now had the right to Edit the Project page on PBWiki. So this blog has now been added to the project.
8:30am - 8:50am (ish) Not much work got done as a colleague came into the office to tell us about her engagement. To another colleague. The library is apparently a matchmaker extrodinaire if all the couples are anything to go by.
8:50am Thing 8 of cpd23. Not too bad as I already use Google Calendar sometimes.
9:04am Decided I'd have to leave Thing 9 of cpd23 until I'm at home as I need to download it. As a result I can't see it being very useful for work purposes. At least not at the National Library.
9:10am I met with my Line Manager to discuss a project that may be in the pipeline. As a result we need to audit the newspapers between 1914-1918 and find out (potentially) how many pages we have in the library.
9:20am I sent a member of staff off to Stack 3 to begin auditing the libraries newspapers between 1914 and 1918.
9:25am Rearranged a meeting to discuss IPR of journals for next week.
9:30am Started working on the Welsh Gazette.
10:00am Team Brief - Basically telling us about the changes that are happening due to money shortages and how staff members will be expected to turn their hands to many different tasks in the future instead of the one job. This went on for a while.
10:50am Tea time.
11:15am Tried to locate the journal Y Dysgedydd for the Reading Room there's a slip here for the year they want they must have not brought it back to us yet. Have tried phoning up the Reading Room to tell them but couldn't get an answer. I assume they'll phone back once they're less busy.
11:20am Back to the Welsh Gazette
11:30am Further discussion with the line manager about the audit. We have until Thursday to get it done.
11:40am Explained to two more members of staff what needed doing and sent them along to help. Hopefully we can get it done quickly.
11:45am Welsh Gazette
12:44pm Finished checking the CSVs for the Welsh Gazette, now to put it in order it's really not for some reason. :s At least I've deleted the surplus CSVs as I was going along.
12:51pm Whoo. Welsh Gazette in its proper order and ready to be uploaded to WOMBAT ready for scanning. I must remember to return the unneeded volumes to their proper homes out of the way.
12:55pm LUNCH
13:25pm Checking North Wales newspaper The North Wales Times for accuracy.
14:11pm There doesn't seem to be anything interesting in this newspaper so far, or at least nothing particularly eye-catching. How boring...
14:30pm Taking a quick break from The North Wales Times. My team are running out of Audit forms, so I ran (well strolled quickly) down to Repro to get some more. Hopefully 30 more should do the trick. They ARE double sided after all. If not I'll just have to make another trip to Repro.
14:42pm And on with the North Wales Times.
14:55pm It always amazes me how the newspapers went into mourning when someone important died. There are thick black bars between each column instead of the usual lines you see in the picture...
15:27pm Went to fetch a ring binder for my Audit forms. I'm going to begin an Excell document with the results in after tea. Then we'll have some kind of idea of how many newspapers we have in the library (or at least in Stack 3) published between 1914 and 1918.
15:30pm Tea Time
15:50pm Creating and filling in an Excell document.
5:00pm That's it I'm off home. So far there are over 80 weekly titles and 150,000 pages for the years 1914-1918. And the audit isn't even finished yet...
Tuesday, 26 July 2011
Thing 8: Google Calendar
I like this thing as I'm already using it. Sporadically anyhow. I did use it much more often with people from the digitsation project but then the library started using the Thunderbird calendar across the institution (which is also accessible from any computer) which I find quite useful. Unfortunately not everyone thinks the same and not everyone uses it. But the main people I work with do making finding out if somebody is free, arranging meetings and so on much easier.
I have added the cpd23 things to my Google Calendar and am considering updating my Google Calendar as well so that most stuff is on it. Though thinking about it as the library uses Thunderbird there probably isn't much point in doing this at the moment. Though I'll keep it going in the background for when I need it.
Rwy'n hoffi'r peth hyngan fy mod i yn barod yn ei ddefnyddio. Yn achlysurol da beth. Roedden i'n ei ddefnyddio yn llawer mwy aml o fewn y prosiect, yna fe wnaeth y llyfrgell ddechrau ddefnyddio calendar Thunderbird ar draws y sefydliad, a gan fy mod yn gallu cyraedd i mewn iddo o unrhyw gyfrifiadur mae'n fwy defnyddiol i fi ar y funud. Yn anffodus nid oes pawb yn y sefydliad yn teimlo'r un peth a nid ydynt yn ei ddefnyddio. Wrth lwc mae'r pobl dwi'n gweithio gyda fwyaf yn sy'n gwneud ffeindio allan os mae rhywun yn rhydd neu trefnu cyfarfod llawer yn haws.
Dwi wedi dodi'r pethau cpd23 ar i Google Calendars ac yn meddwl efallai diweddaru Google Calendar a'i ddefnyddio mwy. Er wedi meddwl gan fod y llyfrgell yn defnyddio Thunderbird does yna ddim llawer o bwynt gwneud hyn nawr. Er fydda i yn cadw'r Google Calendar yn y cefndir just rhagofn iddo ddod yn ddefnyddiol rhywbryd.
I have added the cpd23 things to my Google Calendar and am considering updating my Google Calendar as well so that most stuff is on it. Though thinking about it as the library uses Thunderbird there probably isn't much point in doing this at the moment. Though I'll keep it going in the background for when I need it.
Rwy'n hoffi'r peth hyngan fy mod i yn barod yn ei ddefnyddio. Yn achlysurol da beth. Roedden i'n ei ddefnyddio yn llawer mwy aml o fewn y prosiect, yna fe wnaeth y llyfrgell ddechrau ddefnyddio calendar Thunderbird ar draws y sefydliad, a gan fy mod yn gallu cyraedd i mewn iddo o unrhyw gyfrifiadur mae'n fwy defnyddiol i fi ar y funud. Yn anffodus nid oes pawb yn y sefydliad yn teimlo'r un peth a nid ydynt yn ei ddefnyddio. Wrth lwc mae'r pobl dwi'n gweithio gyda fwyaf yn sy'n gwneud ffeindio allan os mae rhywun yn rhydd neu trefnu cyfarfod llawer yn haws.
Dwi wedi dodi'r pethau cpd23 ar i Google Calendars ac yn meddwl efallai diweddaru Google Calendar a'i ddefnyddio mwy. Er wedi meddwl gan fod y llyfrgell yn defnyddio Thunderbird does yna ddim llawer o bwynt gwneud hyn nawr. Er fydda i yn cadw'r Google Calendar yn y cefndir just rhagofn iddo ddod yn ddefnyddiol rhywbryd.
Google Calendar,
Monday, 25 July 2011
Library Day in the Life: Round 7 Day 1
Job: Senior Officer of Newspapers and Periodicals (Digitisation Project) at the National Library of Wales
I've heard about the "Library Day in the Life" Project before and after seeing it advertised around the internet recently decided to take part this year. I'm only going to be doing it for three days as I'm away at the end of the week and don't really think that it would be relevant to keep people up to date with my travels around Longleat Safari Park although if people are really interested for some strange reason I might. I'm not sure how interesting it will be for people but hey.
Monday 25th July 2011
8:25am Arrived at work and clocked in
8:30am Took the lift (yes I know lazy) to the fifth floor where the digitsation suite is situated.
8:35am Computer on, checking emails, sorting out what days I need off. (Thursday, Friday and Monday if you're interested)
8:40am Spoke to my line manager
8:50am Started checking "Cyfaill y Werin" Newspaper metadata for accuracy.
9:40am Went to catch up with the Project Manager
9:50am Started checking Welsh Gazette Newspapers for accuracy. There are more of these so it'll take longer (a lot longer)
10:30am Tea Time
10:50am Back to the Welsh Gazette
11:35am Distracted by an advert for free land out in Canada. I have a tendency to want to read what I see in these newspapers some of them are really interesting... Although this time it's only an advertisement!
11:43am Again distracted this time by an article about the beginnings of the National Library of Wales in the March 30th 1905 edition of the Welsh Gazette. There's a good illustration as well!
12:01pm Well there's something funny going on with the Welsh Gazette the years don't seem to be in the proper order. The CSV for 1906 for example is coming before the one for 1905. As the CSVs themselves seem to be correct think I'll carry on going through them and then rearrange them as they should be.
12:06pm Helped my opposite number on the scanning team (I'm on the metadata team) find a certain title in the database; Athraw (Llanidloes) there seem to be an awful lot of Athraw periodicals, the editors don't seem to have been very imaginative, many titles are repeated numerous times throughout the 1800s.
12:13pm Approved a request by one of my staff members to take the afternoon off using HR21 our Electronic Holidays form.
12:25pm - 12:50pm LUNCH
12:51pm Onwards with the Welsh Gazette
2:00pm - 3:30pm Scanning QA this involves a programme called WOMBAT (which is the libraries internal workflow system) and a program called scan scan which shows the image. I check various images (which the workflow programme picks for me) for accuracy. This isn't in a typical day for me. But as the metadata team have built up quite a buffer I am getting some experience on the scanning side of the team as the person who's usually responsible for doing the QA is off sick. Hopefully there won't be any problems.
3:36pm Tea time
3:50pm Back to the QA
4:10pm While doing the QA of The Public Library Journal, which was the Quarterly magazine of the Cardiff and Penarth Free Public Libraries and the Cardiff Museum. I came across this old proverb "Ni bydd doeth ni ddarlleno" on the title page. I've heard it before it means "He who does not read will not be wise" and just thought it was something that would be interesting to some people. I'd forgotten about it but now that I remember I may use it for my blog...
4:20pm Had a slight problem with the QA process so waiting for the person in charge of the scanning side of things to come and tell me what to do. Think I'll get back to my own problems with the Welsh Gazette in the meantime...
4:40pm Had my question on the QA answered. Apparently it does throw up funny questions on occasion.
4:50pm Logged off the QA computer. Yes it has a special computer for some reason.
5:00pm Logging off my own computer and heading home.
I've heard about the "Library Day in the Life" Project before and after seeing it advertised around the internet recently decided to take part this year. I'm only going to be doing it for three days as I'm away at the end of the week and don't really think that it would be relevant to keep people up to date with my travels around Longleat Safari Park although if people are really interested for some strange reason I might. I'm not sure how interesting it will be for people but hey.
Monday 25th July 2011
8:30am Took the lift (yes I know lazy) to the fifth floor where the digitsation suite is situated.
8:35am Computer on, checking emails, sorting out what days I need off. (Thursday, Friday and Monday if you're interested)
8:40am Spoke to my line manager
8:50am Started checking "Cyfaill y Werin" Newspaper metadata for accuracy.
9:40am Went to catch up with the Project Manager
9:50am Started checking Welsh Gazette Newspapers for accuracy. There are more of these so it'll take longer (a lot longer)
10:30am Tea Time
10:50am Back to the Welsh Gazette
11:35am Distracted by an advert for free land out in Canada. I have a tendency to want to read what I see in these newspapers some of them are really interesting... Although this time it's only an advertisement!
Welsh Gazette: March 30th 1905 Edition |
12:01pm Well there's something funny going on with the Welsh Gazette the years don't seem to be in the proper order. The CSV for 1906 for example is coming before the one for 1905. As the CSVs themselves seem to be correct think I'll carry on going through them and then rearrange them as they should be.
12:06pm Helped my opposite number on the scanning team (I'm on the metadata team) find a certain title in the database; Athraw (Llanidloes) there seem to be an awful lot of Athraw periodicals, the editors don't seem to have been very imaginative, many titles are repeated numerous times throughout the 1800s.
12:13pm Approved a request by one of my staff members to take the afternoon off using HR21 our Electronic Holidays form.
12:25pm - 12:50pm LUNCH
12:51pm Onwards with the Welsh Gazette
2:00pm - 3:30pm Scanning QA this involves a programme called WOMBAT (which is the libraries internal workflow system) and a program called scan scan which shows the image. I check various images (which the workflow programme picks for me) for accuracy. This isn't in a typical day for me. But as the metadata team have built up quite a buffer I am getting some experience on the scanning side of the team as the person who's usually responsible for doing the QA is off sick. Hopefully there won't be any problems.
3:36pm Tea time
3:50pm Back to the QA
4:10pm While doing the QA of The Public Library Journal, which was the Quarterly magazine of the Cardiff and Penarth Free Public Libraries and the Cardiff Museum. I came across this old proverb "Ni bydd doeth ni ddarlleno" on the title page. I've heard it before it means "He who does not read will not be wise" and just thought it was something that would be interesting to some people. I'd forgotten about it but now that I remember I may use it for my blog...
4:20pm Had a slight problem with the QA process so waiting for the person in charge of the scanning side of things to come and tell me what to do. Think I'll get back to my own problems with the Welsh Gazette in the meantime...
4:40pm Had my question on the QA answered. Apparently it does throw up funny questions on occasion.
4:50pm Logged off the QA computer. Yes it has a special computer for some reason.
5:00pm Logging off my own computer and heading home.
Saturday, 23 July 2011
Thing 7: Face-to-face networks and Professional Organisations
Well of all the organisations listed the only one I'm actually a paying member of is CILIP and so far I haven't found it particularly useful. This may be due to my nature as a lurker but is probably more to do with the fact that CILIP doesn't really talk about National Libraries much in its magazines. I have attended one or two courses. A Moving into Management course back in November and a Chartership course earlier this year. Neither of which I found particularly handy for networking. I thought they were good courses though. Even if the Management one was a lot on the steep side (and that was with the CILIP discount).
I've found that being a librarian in Wales has been more helpful for networking. First I attended the Gregynog Colloquium back in June (it already feels like a ridiculously long time ago) where I was forced to socialise as there was no one from my organisation there. And while I didn't come away with piles of contacts I at least knew who some people were. Hence when the cpd23 meetup took place earlier this week in Cardiff I knew some of the people there. Not well admittedly but I knew who they were and had spoken to them before.
I've found that cpd23 is probably the best of these for networking so far, but more probably this is because I'm finally getting used to these situations (at least I hope). It was great fun to meet people in real life instead of on the internet and find out who they were for real.
As for joining other professional organisations I've been Umming and Aahing over IFLA and SLA for a while now, and I still can't decide what to do. I quite like my salary and already spend more than I'd like on CILIP (especially as I don't find it that useful) so what to do, what to do...
I've also been looking at the more "unofficial" professional organisations. I quite like the look of the Library Society of the World website but can't figure out how to join... And am already a member of LISNPN.
Anyhow the main thing is I met real people on Wednesday (after driving for nearly 3 hours) had a lovely time in a Yurt in Cardiff. And then headed back to Aberystwyth (where I subsequently slept like the proverbial dead). And if the chance comes up again I'll do it all again, though I may find somewhere to sleep instead of driving both ways in one afternoon next time. I was very tired when I got up for work next day. I enjoyed the opportunity to talk to people outside the National Library of Wales as we seem to be very isolated in some ways not being an Academic or a Public library and to be honest I feel as if I'm missing out on what's going on, and am definitely missing out on the chance to network as I'd like. CPD23 is giving me that chance and I'm grateful.
I've also been looking at the more "unofficial" professional organisations. I quite like the look of the Library Society of the World website but can't figure out how to join... And am already a member of LISNPN.
Anyhow the main thing is I met real people on Wednesday (after driving for nearly 3 hours) had a lovely time in a Yurt in Cardiff. And then headed back to Aberystwyth (where I subsequently slept like the proverbial dead). And if the chance comes up again I'll do it all again, though I may find somewhere to sleep instead of driving both ways in one afternoon next time. I was very tired when I got up for work next day. I enjoyed the opportunity to talk to people outside the National Library of Wales as we seem to be very isolated in some ways not being an Academic or a Public library and to be honest I feel as if I'm missing out on what's going on, and am definitely missing out on the chance to network as I'd like. CPD23 is giving me that chance and I'm grateful.
Thing 6 - Online Networks
1. LinkedIn
I joined LinkedIn a while ago, more out of curiosity than anything else. I haven't used it that much and find it difficult to use. So far I have seven connections and these are all people who already know who I am, so not sure how useful that is. Feel free to add me as a connection. I'm sure having more than seven would be handy.
I've added myself to various groups where I lurk in the background and keep an eye on things. It's quite interesting to see the various conversations going on but in general I'm a lurker. Of the seven groups that I've joined (is there something about LinkedIn and the number seven?) two of them are universities (Swansea and Loughborough) where I was a student, and the rest are library related. CILIP, IFLA, SLA (though I only joined that after reading Thing 6), Sue Hill Recruitment and of course the cpd23 group. I like the fact that LinkedIn send me emails every now and again informing me of the conversations going on with the various groups. This allows me to only log in when something catches my eye. As I said I'm a lurker, although as this blog and my attempts on Twitter prove at least I'm trying to become more active. But there's a long way to go yet I think. I also need to add information to my LinkedIn page. I have however recently added a picture so at least people have some idea what I look like.
2. Facebook
Facebook I know well and have used for years, however this is where my real life friends convene and I have no intention of changing that. While I do tend to look at library related things and like them on Facebook, and may I say I think the National Library of Wales should be on that list of possible pages to like (I'm not biased, honest!) it's a purely personal social networking opportunity for me.
I'm fairly new to LISNPN and while I have introduced myself on there and put up a picture I have once again been lurking in the background. I have a feeling this could be one of the more important Social Networking opportunities for librarians given the chance and while I have yet to take part in a conversation I have logged in several times and looked at the forums, and think some of the conversations going on are incredibly interesting and quite informative. Again add me as a friend as I have none. :(
I'm brand new to CILIP Communities I only joined today and I've briefly set up a Profile page and had a quick look around. I have yet to figure out how to navigate around properly and what parts will be most helpful but I'm sure given time I will get to grips with it and become a successful lurker, if not a successful participant in the forums etc.
I haven't bothered looking at the LANNetwork as my current role involves no teaching, although I'll keep it in mind for future roles just in case. As for Google+ and whether there's any room for it in the already stuffed Social Networking world well only time can tell. I haven't had an invite and therefore haven't joined as it isn't yet open to the public. From what I've read about it, it could well be not a Personal social networking site such as Facebook (at least in my view) nor a Professional one like CILIP Communities or LISNPN but could in fact be a 'profersonal' social networking site. I think given the chance I'll probably join out of sheer curiosity more than anything else and then I'll let you know what I think.
CILIP Communities,
Social Networking,
thing 06
Saturday, 16 July 2011
Thing 5 - Reflective Practice
OK. So I've been avoiding Thing 5 all week. Reflective practice isn't my strong point. Description yes but reflection not so much. Hopefully this blog and following cpd23 will help change this as I would like to start working towards my chartership soon.
So, what has cpd23 taught me so far?
Well, as you can see I'm blogging with some regularity, mostly about cpd23 to be fair but hopefully over time other stuff will become a part of this as well. I'm enjoying the opportunity to put something down and have somebody comment on it. And I like lurking around other people's blogs, it's educational. Sometimes I comment but mostly I lurk.
Of all the various things that I've learnt from cpd23 the most useful perhaps has been Twitter. Don't get me wrong I already knew how to use Twitter, I just didn'r really see the point of it that much. And now I'm using it not every five minutes like some but most days, not every day as to be honest I've more or less decided Twitter is going to be mostly professional with the odd bit of personal thrown in for good measure. However most days. :-)
Between Twitter and my blog I've started networking which I'm quite pleased about. One of the drawbacks about working in the National Library is that while it is a prestigious and highly incredible place to work, we are to all intents and purposes unique we don't fit in as either Academic or Public Librarians. And this makes it much more difficult to network. This is problematic for me as I'm working on a project and once that project comes to an end (or runs out of funding whichever comes first) I'll be wanting another job. I'm hoping this way I can draw a little bit of attention to myself (hopefully good attention) which will help me find a job. As so far all my job hunting has been unsuccessful. And while I'd like to reflect on what's wrong with my application forms I can't. Mostly the feedback I've had has consisted of the words "it was a good application but there were a lot of good candidates" this really isn't helpful. Having said that most people have ignored my pleas for feedback so I'm a bit stuck.
The other good thing about networking is that it gives me the chance to make some new library friends. Both in Wales and in other parts of the UK and you never know maybe even the world. I'm looking forward to meeting some of these people on Wednesday in Cardiff. I'm just hoping my Tom Tom will get me to the place ok. Not that I think I could miss Cardiff itself very easily but I don't know it that well and may end up nowhere near milgi's which would be a pity as it's a 2 and a half hour drive apparently :-S
Anyhow I think Thing 5 may be very confusing for anyone reading it as it is definitely a bit meandering. Oh well, I tried. Maybe it'll get better with time? *Fingers Crossed*
So, what has cpd23 taught me so far?
Well, as you can see I'm blogging with some regularity, mostly about cpd23 to be fair but hopefully over time other stuff will become a part of this as well. I'm enjoying the opportunity to put something down and have somebody comment on it. And I like lurking around other people's blogs, it's educational. Sometimes I comment but mostly I lurk.
Of all the various things that I've learnt from cpd23 the most useful perhaps has been Twitter. Don't get me wrong I already knew how to use Twitter, I just didn'r really see the point of it that much. And now I'm using it not every five minutes like some but most days, not every day as to be honest I've more or less decided Twitter is going to be mostly professional with the odd bit of personal thrown in for good measure. However most days. :-)
Between Twitter and my blog I've started networking which I'm quite pleased about. One of the drawbacks about working in the National Library is that while it is a prestigious and highly incredible place to work, we are to all intents and purposes unique we don't fit in as either Academic or Public Librarians. And this makes it much more difficult to network. This is problematic for me as I'm working on a project and once that project comes to an end (or runs out of funding whichever comes first) I'll be wanting another job. I'm hoping this way I can draw a little bit of attention to myself (hopefully good attention) which will help me find a job. As so far all my job hunting has been unsuccessful. And while I'd like to reflect on what's wrong with my application forms I can't. Mostly the feedback I've had has consisted of the words "it was a good application but there were a lot of good candidates" this really isn't helpful. Having said that most people have ignored my pleas for feedback so I'm a bit stuck.
The other good thing about networking is that it gives me the chance to make some new library friends. Both in Wales and in other parts of the UK and you never know maybe even the world. I'm looking forward to meeting some of these people on Wednesday in Cardiff. I'm just hoping my Tom Tom will get me to the place ok. Not that I think I could miss Cardiff itself very easily but I don't know it that well and may end up nowhere near milgi's which would be a pity as it's a 2 and a half hour drive apparently :-S
Anyhow I think Thing 5 may be very confusing for anyone reading it as it is definitely a bit meandering. Oh well, I tried. Maybe it'll get better with time? *Fingers Crossed*
cardiff meet up,
cpd23. thing05,
job applications,
Friday, 15 July 2011
Love your Library? Give it a cwtch!
As I was saying the other day, the National Library of Wales is currently celebrating the centenary of the laying of the foundation stone. And as a part of that, today the staff and the public will be giving it a cwtch (this is better than a hug for the misinformed non Welsh people who've never heard of a cwtch before), to show our appreciation for this guardian of Welsh knowledge and history. Therefore this afternoon we shall all troop outside showing our colours (we'll be wearing Red) and give the National Library a cwtch. For more details click here.
Fel yr oeddwn i'n dweud y diwrnod arall, mae Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru yn dathlu canmlwyddiant gosod y Garreg Sylfaen. Fel rhan o hyn fydd staff a darllenwyr y llyfrgell yn rhoi cwtch i'r llyfrgell, i ddangos ein gwerthfawrogiad o warcheidwad gwybodaeth a hanes Cymru. O ganlyniad fe fyddwn ni gyd yn cerdded tu allan yn dangos ein lliwiau (fe fyddwn yn gwisgo coch) ac yn rhoi cwtch i'r llyfrgell. Am fwy o wybodaeth gwasgwch fan hyn.
Fel yr oeddwn i'n dweud y diwrnod arall, mae Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru yn dathlu canmlwyddiant gosod y Garreg Sylfaen. Fel rhan o hyn fydd staff a darllenwyr y llyfrgell yn rhoi cwtch i'r llyfrgell, i ddangos ein gwerthfawrogiad o warcheidwad gwybodaeth a hanes Cymru. O ganlyniad fe fyddwn ni gyd yn cerdded tu allan yn dangos ein lliwiau (fe fyddwn yn gwisgo coch) ac yn rhoi cwtch i'r llyfrgell. Am fwy o wybodaeth gwasgwch fan hyn.
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Teisen Penblwydd - Birthday Cake |
Wednesday, 13 July 2011
Y Llyfrgell ar film
English at the bottom.
Dim ond nodyn cyflym i ddweud rhywbeth bach answyddogol am ddathliadau canmlwyddiant Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru. Nid canmlwyddiant y llyfrgell fel sefydliad neu hyd yn oed fel adeilad ond canmlwyddiant gosod y Gareg Sylfaen. Careg enfawr yn edrych mae'n rhaid dweud.
'Da beth dros i'r trydiau nesaf (yn cynnwys heddiw) mae'r llyfrgell yn dathlu gyda digwyddiadau yn y Drwm. Heddiw roedd yna rhai hen ffilmiau yn dangos y llyfrgell yn cael ei chwarae yn y Drwm. Fe es i ac eraill o staff y llyfrgell, ynghyd a'r cyhoedd i weld beth oedd "Y Llyfrgell ar ffilm" amdano. Gweld "patchwork" o hen ffilmiau gwnaethon ni, "patchwork" a oedd yn dangos hanes y llyfrgell, yr adeilad, y trysorau a'r staff.
Wrth wylio'r film fe wnes i sylwi ar faint mae pethau wedi mewid, does dim angen y "Card Catalogue" rhagor, 'na beth ma'r cyfrifiadur yn ei wneud. Does dim hyd yn oed rhaid i'r darllenwyr i ddod i'r llyfrgell mae 'na llawer o wybodaeth ar gael ar y wefan. Llawer o lawysgrifau a llyfrau pwysig ein hanes fel gwlad wedi ei ddigido ac ar gael i bawb yn y byd heb iddyn nhw orfod gadael ei cadair eistedd. A mae 'na mwy o wybodaeth yn mynd ar y wefan drwy'r amser, fydd yna 2 filiwn o dudalennau ychwanegol ar gael pan fydd y prosiect dwi'n gweithio ar wedi gorffen.
Ond mae hyn yn gadael y pwynt, beth o'n i'n meddwl dweud oedd er fod hyn i gyd wedi newid, er fod technoleg wedi neidio ymlaen dros i'r ganrif ddwethaf mae yna o hyd pethau sydd ddim yn newid. Mae'r llyfrgell o hyd yn gwarchod ac yn rhannu trysorau ein gwlad, hanes ein gwlad. Ac er fod llawer o bethau wedi newid dros i'r ganrif ddwethaf mae prif elfennau gwaith y llyfrgell wedi sefyll yr un peth. Rydym ni yma i warchod Hanes ein gwlad.
Only a quick note to say something quickly and unofficially about the National Library of Wales's centenary celebrations. Not the centenary of the library as an institution or even as a building but of the laying of the foundation stone, which was prett massive I must say.
However over the course of the next three days (counting today) the library will be holding a series of events in the Drwm. Today there were a series of films from over the last century. Myself and some of my colleagues from the library, along with members of the public went along to see what the "Library on Film" was all about. What it was, was a "patchwork" of films all stitched together showing the history of the library, the building, the treasures and the staff.
While watching the film I was msing over how things have changed over the century. For example there's no need to use a card catalogue anymore, that's what computers are for. And then there is so much information on the web page that in many cases people don't have to come to the library building itself anymore. There is so much available on the website, the treasures of our country, manuscripts and books alike available all over the world, and people don't even have to leave their armchairs. All the time extra resources are being uploaded to the internet. The project I'm currently working on will contain an extra 2 million pages.
However this is besides the point. What I meant to say was that despite the fact that everything has changed so drastically, despite the giant leaps technology has taken over the last century many things remain the same. The library still protects and give access to our heritage, our treasures. despite everything the main aim of the library has stayed the same. We are here to protect out countries heritage.
Dim ond nodyn cyflym i ddweud rhywbeth bach answyddogol am ddathliadau canmlwyddiant Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru. Nid canmlwyddiant y llyfrgell fel sefydliad neu hyd yn oed fel adeilad ond canmlwyddiant gosod y Gareg Sylfaen. Careg enfawr yn edrych mae'n rhaid dweud.
'Da beth dros i'r trydiau nesaf (yn cynnwys heddiw) mae'r llyfrgell yn dathlu gyda digwyddiadau yn y Drwm. Heddiw roedd yna rhai hen ffilmiau yn dangos y llyfrgell yn cael ei chwarae yn y Drwm. Fe es i ac eraill o staff y llyfrgell, ynghyd a'r cyhoedd i weld beth oedd "Y Llyfrgell ar ffilm" amdano. Gweld "patchwork" o hen ffilmiau gwnaethon ni, "patchwork" a oedd yn dangos hanes y llyfrgell, yr adeilad, y trysorau a'r staff.
Wrth wylio'r film fe wnes i sylwi ar faint mae pethau wedi mewid, does dim angen y "Card Catalogue" rhagor, 'na beth ma'r cyfrifiadur yn ei wneud. Does dim hyd yn oed rhaid i'r darllenwyr i ddod i'r llyfrgell mae 'na llawer o wybodaeth ar gael ar y wefan. Llawer o lawysgrifau a llyfrau pwysig ein hanes fel gwlad wedi ei ddigido ac ar gael i bawb yn y byd heb iddyn nhw orfod gadael ei cadair eistedd. A mae 'na mwy o wybodaeth yn mynd ar y wefan drwy'r amser, fydd yna 2 filiwn o dudalennau ychwanegol ar gael pan fydd y prosiect dwi'n gweithio ar wedi gorffen.
Ond mae hyn yn gadael y pwynt, beth o'n i'n meddwl dweud oedd er fod hyn i gyd wedi newid, er fod technoleg wedi neidio ymlaen dros i'r ganrif ddwethaf mae yna o hyd pethau sydd ddim yn newid. Mae'r llyfrgell o hyd yn gwarchod ac yn rhannu trysorau ein gwlad, hanes ein gwlad. Ac er fod llawer o bethau wedi newid dros i'r ganrif ddwethaf mae prif elfennau gwaith y llyfrgell wedi sefyll yr un peth. Rydym ni yma i warchod Hanes ein gwlad.
Only a quick note to say something quickly and unofficially about the National Library of Wales's centenary celebrations. Not the centenary of the library as an institution or even as a building but of the laying of the foundation stone, which was prett massive I must say.
However over the course of the next three days (counting today) the library will be holding a series of events in the Drwm. Today there were a series of films from over the last century. Myself and some of my colleagues from the library, along with members of the public went along to see what the "Library on Film" was all about. What it was, was a "patchwork" of films all stitched together showing the history of the library, the building, the treasures and the staff.
While watching the film I was msing over how things have changed over the century. For example there's no need to use a card catalogue anymore, that's what computers are for. And then there is so much information on the web page that in many cases people don't have to come to the library building itself anymore. There is so much available on the website, the treasures of our country, manuscripts and books alike available all over the world, and people don't even have to leave their armchairs. All the time extra resources are being uploaded to the internet. The project I'm currently working on will contain an extra 2 million pages.
However this is besides the point. What I meant to say was that despite the fact that everything has changed so drastically, despite the giant leaps technology has taken over the last century many things remain the same. The library still protects and give access to our heritage, our treasures. despite everything the main aim of the library has stayed the same. We are here to protect out countries heritage.
Friday, 8 July 2011
CPD23 - Wales Meet Up anyone??
I've noticed that Wales doesn't seem to have anybody arranging a meet up for cpd23. If anybody's interested I'm willing to arrange a meeting either in Aberystwyth or Swansea (as I know those fairly well). If those aren't convenient would somebody else like to arrange it for someplace else? Any ideas, comments for suitable dates etc would be gratefully received as I've not tried arranging something like this before.
Dwi wedi sylwi bod neb wedi trefnu unrhyw gyfarfod i ni'r Cymry er mwyn cpd23. Dwi'n barod i drefnu rhywbeth naill ai yn Aberystwyth neu Abertawe (gan fy mod yn ei nabod nhw yn weddol o dda) os mae yna ddiddordeb mewn cwrdd lan 'da beth. Os nad yw un o'r rhain yn gyfleus a oes yna rhywun arall fyddai'n barod i drefnu Cyfarfod y Cymry? Fydden i'n ddiolchgar am unrhyw syniadau neu sylwadau am ddyddiad neu lle addas gan fy mod i ddim wedi trfnu unrhywbeth fel hyn o'r blaen.
Dwi wedi sylwi bod neb wedi trefnu unrhyw gyfarfod i ni'r Cymry er mwyn cpd23. Dwi'n barod i drefnu rhywbeth naill ai yn Aberystwyth neu Abertawe (gan fy mod yn ei nabod nhw yn weddol o dda) os mae yna ddiddordeb mewn cwrdd lan 'da beth. Os nad yw un o'r rhain yn gyfleus a oes yna rhywun arall fyddai'n barod i drefnu Cyfarfod y Cymry? Fydden i'n ddiolchgar am unrhyw syniadau neu sylwadau am ddyddiad neu lle addas gan fy mod i ddim wedi trfnu unrhywbeth fel hyn o'r blaen.
Wednesday, 6 July 2011
Thing 4 - Current Awareness - Twitter, RSS and Pushnote
Hmm... Thing 4 seems to be a bit of a tricky one. I'm trying to understand/get the hang of all three of these mediums.
Twitter - I'm managing OK with Twitter, though until recently I had only a handful of followers due to everything being in lockdown. My Twitter is still in lockdown but I'm following more people some of which have been kind enough to follow me back. So now I have a grand total of 32 followers and I follow 86 people. The majority of which I've added in the last couple of weeks since I've started cpd23.
RSS - Well, I've signed up to Google Reader and am attempting to get a hang of it... I've added some random blogs that I like the look of, news and jobs. I'm still experimenting with this but to be honest I think I'd rather go to the blogs themselves in most cases as you don't get the various backgrounds etc that make the blogs personal to the blogger with Google Reader. For jobs I love it as then I can star the jobs I like the look of and I don't end up looking at the same jobs over and over. We'll see if it grows on me given time.
Pushnote - I really don't get this. None of my friends have it. Although I did find a couple of my new Twitter people from cpd23 on it. But so far I'm not fussed. We'll see whether or not this changes given time...
Twitter - I'm managing OK with Twitter, though until recently I had only a handful of followers due to everything being in lockdown. My Twitter is still in lockdown but I'm following more people some of which have been kind enough to follow me back. So now I have a grand total of 32 followers and I follow 86 people. The majority of which I've added in the last couple of weeks since I've started cpd23.
RSS - Well, I've signed up to Google Reader and am attempting to get a hang of it... I've added some random blogs that I like the look of, news and jobs. I'm still experimenting with this but to be honest I think I'd rather go to the blogs themselves in most cases as you don't get the various backgrounds etc that make the blogs personal to the blogger with Google Reader. For jobs I love it as then I can star the jobs I like the look of and I don't end up looking at the same jobs over and over. We'll see if it grows on me given time.
Pushnote - I really don't get this. None of my friends have it. Although I did find a couple of my new Twitter people from cpd23 on it. But so far I'm not fussed. We'll see whether or not this changes given time...
Wednesday, 29 June 2011
Thing 3 again
Well as I said I was considering changing my Twitter username to match my blog username a.k.a. llyfrgellyddcymraeg unfortunately this is too long for Twitter therefore I'm going to stick with what I have. I shall be @Cymraes1986 until the end of the Chapter! So much for matching things up...
Tuesday, 28 June 2011
Replying to comments
Ta to World's Deadliest Librarian for the blog linking up to how to add a reply button to comments on your blog. Thought I'd pass the link on as well! :-)
Diolch i World's Deadliest Librarian am y blog sy'n cael linc sy'n rhoi cyfarwyddiadau ar fel i ddodi botwm ateb ar sylwadau y blog. Mae'r linc uchod. :-)
Diolch i World's Deadliest Librarian am y blog sy'n cael linc sy'n rhoi cyfarwyddiadau ar fel i ddodi botwm ateb ar sylwadau y blog. Mae'r linc uchod. :-)
Monday, 27 June 2011
Thing 3: The "Nia Williams" Brand
I read the thing 3 blog this morning along with some of the other blogs recommended by Jo Alcock and it made me think, as I suppose was the point. What is MY brand? The "Nia Williams" brand. And to be honest I don't have a clue. If I Google myself an awful lot of stuff about other people come up. To be honest that's what I expected. I've always been cagey about what information I put on the internet for the big wide world to see and while I'm trying to change this for professional purposes (hence the blog) I'm still not sure I want people to know everything about me. Plus there seem to be an awful lot of Nia Williamses in the world.
Yet I do have an online presence, and have done for years on Facebook and Twitter. Well, Facebook, Twitter I've not really used so much though I'm trying to change that! But these presences are protected with every privacy thing I can find on these sites. I don't want complete strangers knowing everything about me.
I quite like that people have to request to follow me on Twitter before they get to follow my Tweets. Not that I mind adding people if I have an idea who they are I'm just a bit careful is all... If any cpd23 readers want to add me on Twitter I'm @Cymraes1986 I do use Twitter for Professional Purposes (sometimes) so that's ok.
Facebook on the other hand while I use it more than Twitter is more Personal. And is (hopefuuly) locked down to the rest of the world.
I've also joined LinkedIn recently. So far I haven't found it much use. But you never know...
So... Name Used: Well this varies and apparently it shouldn't. Twitter for example is @Cymraes1986 (Welshgirl 1986 for the English speaking out there) for obvious reasons. While when I started my blog the other day I chose to go by the name "Llyfrgellydd Cymraeg" (Welsh Librarian) again for obvious reasons. They 're both correct, I just didn't really think it mattered if they matched or not. I'll have to think about it some and maybe change Twitter at some point. Maybe. Anything else is just my name.
Photograph: I have photos. Not necessairily the same photos but you can still tell it's me on my blog and my Twitter page, maybe I should add one to the LinkedIn page? Having said that while my blog page has a fairly recent photo of me on it, my Profile has a cartoon I found in a 19th Century newspaper and liked so I guess if I comment, you won't know it's me exactly. I think I'll change that although it IS a cool cartoon! :-)
Professional/Personal Identity: I've covered this already I more or less like to keep them apart. Though Twitter when I do use it tends to be a bit of a mix.
Visual Brand: Well I don't have one. Both my Twitter and my blog have different backgrounds that I happened to like when I was setting them up. I suppose the next step would be to sort out something that can be common to both of them. I may even get some business cards printed at some point. Maybe. If ever I get a permanaent position.
So those are my random mixed up thoughts about my brand. What do you think my brand says about me? Does it say anything? I'd quite like to know...
Yet I do have an online presence, and have done for years on Facebook and Twitter. Well, Facebook, Twitter I've not really used so much though I'm trying to change that! But these presences are protected with every privacy thing I can find on these sites. I don't want complete strangers knowing everything about me.
I quite like that people have to request to follow me on Twitter before they get to follow my Tweets. Not that I mind adding people if I have an idea who they are I'm just a bit careful is all... If any cpd23 readers want to add me on Twitter I'm @Cymraes1986 I do use Twitter for Professional Purposes (sometimes) so that's ok.
Facebook on the other hand while I use it more than Twitter is more Personal. And is (hopefuuly) locked down to the rest of the world.
I've also joined LinkedIn recently. So far I haven't found it much use. But you never know...
So... Name Used: Well this varies and apparently it shouldn't. Twitter for example is @Cymraes1986 (Welshgirl 1986 for the English speaking out there) for obvious reasons. While when I started my blog the other day I chose to go by the name "Llyfrgellydd Cymraeg" (Welsh Librarian) again for obvious reasons. They 're both correct, I just didn't really think it mattered if they matched or not. I'll have to think about it some and maybe change Twitter at some point. Maybe. Anything else is just my name.
Photograph: I have photos. Not necessairily the same photos but you can still tell it's me on my blog and my Twitter page, maybe I should add one to the LinkedIn page? Having said that while my blog page has a fairly recent photo of me on it, my Profile has a cartoon I found in a 19th Century newspaper and liked so I guess if I comment, you won't know it's me exactly. I think I'll change that although it IS a cool cartoon! :-)
Professional/Personal Identity: I've covered this already I more or less like to keep them apart. Though Twitter when I do use it tends to be a bit of a mix.
Visual Brand: Well I don't have one. Both my Twitter and my blog have different backgrounds that I happened to like when I was setting them up. I suppose the next step would be to sort out something that can be common to both of them. I may even get some business cards printed at some point. Maybe. If ever I get a permanaent position.
So those are my random mixed up thoughts about my brand. What do you think my brand says about me? Does it say anything? I'd quite like to know...
I shall translate when I have a bit more time. Also the other blogs which I haven't done bilingually yet!
professional identity,
Thursday, 23 June 2011
What I found on BBC News
Digitisation seems to be taking the world by storm. Everyone is doing it. So while perusing BBC News over the last couple of days I came across two things I quite liked.
The first one I noticed yesterday and is called Digitalkoot this is the National Library of Finland's game to correct words from their scanned newspapers. Because of various factors automatic recognition doesn't always work, as a result these words need human intervention. The National Library of Finland have chosen to create a game where you have to get a mole, or numerous moles as the case may be across a bridge, a bridge built from words you've corrected. I've had a go at this and I'm not very good, I would like to give it a go in Welsh or English though. Some of the Finnish letters were a bit beyond me. Give it a go if you've got some spare time on your hands it's quite fun!
The other one I saw was the Your Paintings tagger. Your Paintings is a project which aims to digitse more than 200,000 oil paintings in the UK. For more details about the project see here. This project also brings in the public, this time to tag the photos with what you can see, who you can see, where you can see and more. It's quite relaxing. I've enjoyed playing with it and am going to go back an play some more in a minute. It's definitely a good way of seeing paintings that aren't usually on display to the public. To tag away go here and press Start Tagging.
Just something for you to look at if you're a bit bored and need something to fill some time. I've a feeling I may spend a lot of time procrastinating with these things, but it's all to the good. How can it be procrastination if it's helping these projects out?
The first one I noticed yesterday and is called Digitalkoot this is the National Library of Finland's game to correct words from their scanned newspapers. Because of various factors automatic recognition doesn't always work, as a result these words need human intervention. The National Library of Finland have chosen to create a game where you have to get a mole, or numerous moles as the case may be across a bridge, a bridge built from words you've corrected. I've had a go at this and I'm not very good, I would like to give it a go in Welsh or English though. Some of the Finnish letters were a bit beyond me. Give it a go if you've got some spare time on your hands it's quite fun!
The other one I saw was the Your Paintings tagger. Your Paintings is a project which aims to digitse more than 200,000 oil paintings in the UK. For more details about the project see here. This project also brings in the public, this time to tag the photos with what you can see, who you can see, where you can see and more. It's quite relaxing. I've enjoyed playing with it and am going to go back an play some more in a minute. It's definitely a good way of seeing paintings that aren't usually on display to the public. To tag away go here and press Start Tagging.
Just something for you to look at if you're a bit bored and need something to fill some time. I've a feeling I may spend a lot of time procrastinating with these things, but it's all to the good. How can it be procrastination if it's helping these projects out?
Thing 2 Post Script
I have now commented on someone's post... Aren't I good? :-P
Dwi nawr wedi gadael sylw ar flog rhywun... Dwi'n gallu bod yn dda! :)
Dwi nawr wedi gadael sylw ar flog rhywun... Dwi'n gallu bod yn dda! :)
Tuesday, 21 June 2011
Thing 2 - Investigate some other blogs
So I've been looking at Delicious and there are just so many people which have signed up to cpd23. Unfortunately I don't really have time to look at all the blogs so I generally had a look at the people who've already commented on my blog and then I went with the blog titles I thought were amazing.(I'm easily pleased.)
Growing a Library
Conan the Librarian Strikes Back
Behind the Bookshelves
World's Deadliest Librarian
Librarians on the Loose
Miss Librarian Person
There were others I read as well but I liked those titles...
What strikes me about reading all of these blogs. Is that everyone is looking to learn the same type of stuff. I was a bit worried that it was only me who hadn't really progressed beyond personal use of the internet. But there are an awful lot of new blogs started specifically for cpd23 in order to learn more about the various ways of developing yourself professionally.
I haven't yet commented on any blog as it feels a bit silly to go "me too! me too!" when they've generally put down the same information as I have. I've followed a few people though. Does that count? And I will comment as well at some point, honest! :-)
On a completely different subject I know it's Wimbledon time but it's the middle of summer (literally - summer solstice and all that) where's the sun? Aberystwyth is being rained out!
'Dwi wedi bod yn edrych ar Delicious, mae e'n galed i gredu fod cymaint o bobl wedi penderfynnu gwneud cpd23. Yn anffodus does dim amser gyda fi i edrych at bob blog yn y rhestr. O ganlyniad fe edrychais ar y bobl sydd wedi gadael sylw ar fy mlog i ac yna fe wnes i edrych ar y rhai a'r enwau gorau. (Mae pethau bach yn gwneud i fi wenu).
Growing a Library
Conan the Librarian Strikes Back
Behind the Bookshelves
World's Deadliest Librarian
Librarians on the Loose
Miss Librarian Person
Fe wnes i ddarllen rhai eraill hefyd ond mae rhaid dweud roeddwn i'n hoffi'r teitlau yma...
Beth wnaeth fy nharo am y blogiau yma i gyd oedd y ffaith fod y mwyafrif o'r bobl yn edrych i ddysgu'r un math o bethau. Rydw i wedi bod yn becso mach mae fi oedd yr unig un oedd heb symyd ymhellach na ddefnydd personol o'r we. Ond mae 'na llawer iawn o bobl wedi dechrau blog yn benodol er mwyn dysgu mwy am ddatblygu eu hunain yn broffesiynol.
Mor belled dwi heb adael sylw ar flog unrhyw berson arall gan fy mod yn teimlo mach yn sili yn mynd "fi 'fyd! fi 'fyd!" pan maen nhw wedi dodi lawr yr un gwybodaeth a fi mwy neu lai. 'Dwi wedi dilyn ambell i berson ydy hwnna'n gwneud y tro? Fydda i yn gadael sylw rhywbryd, onest! :-)
Hefyd, dwi'n gwybod mae amser Wimbledon yw hi ond ni'n ganol haf (y Solstice) ble mae'r holl law hyn yn dod o?
Growing a Library
Conan the Librarian Strikes Back
Behind the Bookshelves
World's Deadliest Librarian
Librarians on the Loose
Miss Librarian Person
There were others I read as well but I liked those titles...
What strikes me about reading all of these blogs. Is that everyone is looking to learn the same type of stuff. I was a bit worried that it was only me who hadn't really progressed beyond personal use of the internet. But there are an awful lot of new blogs started specifically for cpd23 in order to learn more about the various ways of developing yourself professionally.
I haven't yet commented on any blog as it feels a bit silly to go "me too! me too!" when they've generally put down the same information as I have. I've followed a few people though. Does that count? And I will comment as well at some point, honest! :-)
On a completely different subject I know it's Wimbledon time but it's the middle of summer (literally - summer solstice and all that) where's the sun? Aberystwyth is being rained out!
'Dwi wedi bod yn edrych ar Delicious, mae e'n galed i gredu fod cymaint o bobl wedi penderfynnu gwneud cpd23. Yn anffodus does dim amser gyda fi i edrych at bob blog yn y rhestr. O ganlyniad fe edrychais ar y bobl sydd wedi gadael sylw ar fy mlog i ac yna fe wnes i edrych ar y rhai a'r enwau gorau. (Mae pethau bach yn gwneud i fi wenu).
Growing a Library
Conan the Librarian Strikes Back
Behind the Bookshelves
World's Deadliest Librarian
Librarians on the Loose
Miss Librarian Person
Fe wnes i ddarllen rhai eraill hefyd ond mae rhaid dweud roeddwn i'n hoffi'r teitlau yma...
Beth wnaeth fy nharo am y blogiau yma i gyd oedd y ffaith fod y mwyafrif o'r bobl yn edrych i ddysgu'r un math o bethau. Rydw i wedi bod yn becso mach mae fi oedd yr unig un oedd heb symyd ymhellach na ddefnydd personol o'r we. Ond mae 'na llawer iawn o bobl wedi dechrau blog yn benodol er mwyn dysgu mwy am ddatblygu eu hunain yn broffesiynol.
Mor belled dwi heb adael sylw ar flog unrhyw berson arall gan fy mod yn teimlo mach yn sili yn mynd "fi 'fyd! fi 'fyd!" pan maen nhw wedi dodi lawr yr un gwybodaeth a fi mwy neu lai. 'Dwi wedi dilyn ambell i berson ydy hwnna'n gwneud y tro? Fydda i yn gadael sylw rhywbryd, onest! :-)
Hefyd, dwi'n gwybod mae amser Wimbledon yw hi ond ni'n ganol haf (y Solstice) ble mae'r holl law hyn yn dod o?
Monday, 20 June 2011
Thing 1 - cpd23
So cpd23 starts today with Thing 1. I've decided to take part in this course as I believe it will help me look evaluatively at my own work thereby helping with job applications and Chartership. I'm currently working at the National Library of Wales as the Senior Officer of Newspapers and Periodicals (Digitisation project) and have worked here since September 2009. This is my first professional post since graduating from University with my Information and Library Management MA. I'm hoping that my next post will be in an Academic Library however given that I only have two months experience in an Academic Library environment, people seem to be wary of giving me a chance. (The feedback I've had off vacancies which I've applied for say that my application is strong but other people have more experience).
I started this blog for the purpose of cpd23 and am therefore a new blogger. I'm hoping that I'll be able to learn how to put my thoughts into a more ordered perspective evaluating them as I go along. Instead of just saying whatever comes into my head which is what I've done so far in this blog. I've never been too sure about having a completely open online presence which anyone can see like this blog but it seems to be a good way of gaining recognition in the information world. So I thought I'd give it a go. Looking through the 23 things I'm not sure which of these I'm looking forward to most and which I'm a bit aprehensive about but I'm sure I'll learn a lot as I go along. And hopefully the stuff I'll learn will be handy for my current job and for any future jobs I may have.
Heddiw mae cpd23 yn dechrau gyda Peth 1. Fe benderfynnais cymryd rhan yn y cwrs yma gan fy mod yn teimlo fydd o help i fi edrych ar fy ngwaith mewn ffordd gwerthusiol, a fydd hwn yn ei dro yn fy helpu gyda ffurflenni cais a Siarteriaeth. Rydw i nawr yn gweithio yn Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru fel Uwch Swyddog Papurau Newydd a Chylchgronau (Prosiect digido) ac wedi bod ers mis Medi 2009. Dyma fy swydd Proffesiynol cyntaf ers graddio o'r Brifysgol gyda fy MA. Gobeithiaf fyddaf yn cael y cyfle i weithio mewn llyfrgell Academaidd yn y dyfodol, ond gan mae dim ond 2 fis o brofiad gwaith llyfrgell academiadd sydd gyda fi teimlaf fydd hyn yn fwy caled ei wneud na'i ddweud. (Mae'r adborth dwi wedi ei gael wrth swyddi dwi wedi mynd amdanynt yn dweud fod fy nghais yn gryf ond does dim digon o brofiad gyda fi).
Fe wnes i ddechrau'r blog yma er mwyn gwneud cpd23 ac o ganlyniad dwi'n flogwr newydd. Gobeithiaf cyn y diwedd fydda i'n dysgu i ddodi'n syniadau mewn i fwy o drefn gan werthuso wrth fynd. Dwi byth wedi bod yn rhy siwr o gael presenoldeb gwbl agore ar y we (fel yr un hyn) ond eto teimlaf ei fod o fydd i fy ngyrfa. Wedi edrych dros i'r 23 peth fyddwn yn ei wneud dros i'r misoedd nesaf dwi ddim yn siwr beth dwi'n edrych ymlaen i ond eto dwi ddim yn siwr beth dwi ddim yn edrych ymlaen i chwaith. Ond teimlaf yn sicr fe fydda i'n dysgu lot dros i'r misoedd nesaf, a rhaid gobeitho fydd yr hwn fydda i'n dysgu yn ddefnyddiol yn fy swydd bresennol ac mewn unrhyw swydd fydda i'n ei gael yn y dyfodol.
I started this blog for the purpose of cpd23 and am therefore a new blogger. I'm hoping that I'll be able to learn how to put my thoughts into a more ordered perspective evaluating them as I go along. Instead of just saying whatever comes into my head which is what I've done so far in this blog. I've never been too sure about having a completely open online presence which anyone can see like this blog but it seems to be a good way of gaining recognition in the information world. So I thought I'd give it a go. Looking through the 23 things I'm not sure which of these I'm looking forward to most and which I'm a bit aprehensive about but I'm sure I'll learn a lot as I go along. And hopefully the stuff I'll learn will be handy for my current job and for any future jobs I may have.
Heddiw mae cpd23 yn dechrau gyda Peth 1. Fe benderfynnais cymryd rhan yn y cwrs yma gan fy mod yn teimlo fydd o help i fi edrych ar fy ngwaith mewn ffordd gwerthusiol, a fydd hwn yn ei dro yn fy helpu gyda ffurflenni cais a Siarteriaeth. Rydw i nawr yn gweithio yn Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru fel Uwch Swyddog Papurau Newydd a Chylchgronau (Prosiect digido) ac wedi bod ers mis Medi 2009. Dyma fy swydd Proffesiynol cyntaf ers graddio o'r Brifysgol gyda fy MA. Gobeithiaf fyddaf yn cael y cyfle i weithio mewn llyfrgell Academaidd yn y dyfodol, ond gan mae dim ond 2 fis o brofiad gwaith llyfrgell academiadd sydd gyda fi teimlaf fydd hyn yn fwy caled ei wneud na'i ddweud. (Mae'r adborth dwi wedi ei gael wrth swyddi dwi wedi mynd amdanynt yn dweud fod fy nghais yn gryf ond does dim digon o brofiad gyda fi).
Fe wnes i ddechrau'r blog yma er mwyn gwneud cpd23 ac o ganlyniad dwi'n flogwr newydd. Gobeithiaf cyn y diwedd fydda i'n dysgu i ddodi'n syniadau mewn i fwy o drefn gan werthuso wrth fynd. Dwi byth wedi bod yn rhy siwr o gael presenoldeb gwbl agore ar y we (fel yr un hyn) ond eto teimlaf ei fod o fydd i fy ngyrfa. Wedi edrych dros i'r 23 peth fyddwn yn ei wneud dros i'r misoedd nesaf dwi ddim yn siwr beth dwi'n edrych ymlaen i ond eto dwi ddim yn siwr beth dwi ddim yn edrych ymlaen i chwaith. Ond teimlaf yn sicr fe fydda i'n dysgu lot dros i'r misoedd nesaf, a rhaid gobeitho fydd yr hwn fydda i'n dysgu yn ddefnyddiol yn fy swydd bresennol ac mewn unrhyw swydd fydda i'n ei gael yn y dyfodol.
Thursday, 16 June 2011
Gregynog 2011
This year I attended the Gregynog Colloquium. Here's some information about the event which was hosted by the University of Glamorgan this year. It's the first time I've attended an event of this kind and certainly the first time I've taken part in one. From what I could gather over the few days I attended the event it gives Academic Librarians from across Wales the chance to come together and put the world to rights, the library world that is. I have to say I enjoyed every minute and hope I'll have the chance to attend again in the future. (Also IT folk though the week seems to be split into a Librarians part and an IT part).
The seminars which I attended were incredibly informative and gave me a good overview of what's been going on in the Academic Librarian's world since I graduated from Loughborough with my Information and Library Management MA in 2009. Something I'm hoping will help me in the future while applying for jobs. I'm going to have to re-read my notes at some point and have another look at the Presentation's which will be available at this link eventually. Through the Programme tab apparently.
I attended the event as a "New Professional" and gave my own presentation. I saw that they were looking for people to fill the "New Professionals" slot months and months ago and thought it would be a good boost for my CV. The problem being that the closer to the time it got the more scared I became. I am no public speaker and add to that the fact that I'm chronically shy I was getting worried. I've done one or two presentations before, always within the National Library and always about a theme I know plenty about e.g. the content of Nineteenth Century Newspapers. And no I'm not quite crazy enough to go trawling through piles of newspapers for no reason. These are just things I've noticed while doing my work, which involves going through a pile of newspapers for an actual reason. Anyhow, as I was saying worry was setting in. As there wasn't any clear guidelines as to what kind of presentation they wanted to fill this slot I didn't really have a clue what to talk about. However after consulting some colleagues I decided that my best course of action would be to put something together about my own professional development and to say something about the Project I'm currently working on which intends to digitise 2 million pages of Nineteenth Century Periodicals and Newpapers published in Wales.
I think that the Presentation went well from what people have told me afterwards although they may have just been trying to be nice! Myself I've more or less blanked it from my memory. My consolation is that my Power Point looked good, though after seeing some of the Presentations made this week I really, really want to try Prezi. It looks really impressive.
I've just read through this blog and have realised it's a bit meandering. I may come back to it at some point to tidy it up a bit and make it clearer. Also to translate.
P.S. I learnt that Librarians are really good at singing along to The Twelve Days of Christmas acting out each number as they go along. This was hilarious! :)
The seminars which I attended were incredibly informative and gave me a good overview of what's been going on in the Academic Librarian's world since I graduated from Loughborough with my Information and Library Management MA in 2009. Something I'm hoping will help me in the future while applying for jobs. I'm going to have to re-read my notes at some point and have another look at the Presentation's which will be available at this link eventually. Through the Programme tab apparently.
I attended the event as a "New Professional" and gave my own presentation. I saw that they were looking for people to fill the "New Professionals" slot months and months ago and thought it would be a good boost for my CV. The problem being that the closer to the time it got the more scared I became. I am no public speaker and add to that the fact that I'm chronically shy I was getting worried. I've done one or two presentations before, always within the National Library and always about a theme I know plenty about e.g. the content of Nineteenth Century Newspapers. And no I'm not quite crazy enough to go trawling through piles of newspapers for no reason. These are just things I've noticed while doing my work, which involves going through a pile of newspapers for an actual reason. Anyhow, as I was saying worry was setting in. As there wasn't any clear guidelines as to what kind of presentation they wanted to fill this slot I didn't really have a clue what to talk about. However after consulting some colleagues I decided that my best course of action would be to put something together about my own professional development and to say something about the Project I'm currently working on which intends to digitise 2 million pages of Nineteenth Century Periodicals and Newpapers published in Wales.
I think that the Presentation went well from what people have told me afterwards although they may have just been trying to be nice! Myself I've more or less blanked it from my memory. My consolation is that my Power Point looked good, though after seeing some of the Presentations made this week I really, really want to try Prezi. It looks really impressive.
I've just read through this blog and have realised it's a bit meandering. I may come back to it at some point to tidy it up a bit and make it clearer. Also to translate.
P.S. I learnt that Librarians are really good at singing along to The Twelve Days of Christmas acting out each number as they go along. This was hilarious! :)
Gregynog, Tregynon, Newtown, Powys, UK
Friday, 10 June 2011
Y Dechrau
Today I've decided to start blogging. Mostly as I want to sign up to the 23 Things for Professional Development Course but also because I think it'll be a good way to keep track of my professional development which will (hopefully) help when it comes to Chartership. By the by I'm looking for a Welsh speaking mentor (outside the National Library) if anyone know of one as I'm considering doing my Chartership through the medium of Welsh.
Heddiw dwi wedi penderfynu i ddechrau blogio. Yn fwy na dim am fy mod eisiau ymuno gyda'r Cwrs 23 Things for Professional Development ond hefyd er mwyn cadw golwg ar fy natblygiad proffesiynol a fydd ynhelpu (dwi'n gobeithio) pan mae'n dod i wneud Siarteriaeth. Gyda llaw dwi'n edrych am fentor Cymraeg (y tu allan i'r Llyfrgell Genedlaethol) gan fy mod yn meddwl gwneud Siarteriaeth trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg. Unrhyw syniadau?
Heddiw dwi wedi penderfynu i ddechrau blogio. Yn fwy na dim am fy mod eisiau ymuno gyda'r Cwrs 23 Things for Professional Development ond hefyd er mwyn cadw golwg ar fy natblygiad proffesiynol a fydd ynhelpu (dwi'n gobeithio) pan mae'n dod i wneud Siarteriaeth. Gyda llaw dwi'n edrych am fentor Cymraeg (y tu allan i'r Llyfrgell Genedlaethol) gan fy mod yn meddwl gwneud Siarteriaeth trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg. Unrhyw syniadau?
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